We come into motherhood with ideals about how things are going to go – then we realize that some of those ideals just aren’t realistic or aren’t all that important.
What have you realized isn’t as important as it seemed to be at first? Have you let go of aspects of how your house and kids should look, what your kids should eat, that sort of thing?
These questions received lots of interesting and helpful responses from our Facebook community – and April and Saren add their own thoughts in this week’s Radio Show. (As you listen, you’ll gain great perspective and be glad to know you’re not the only one who has worried about silly things!)
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Show Notes
Great Comments/Answers from our Facebook Community
I’m Okay With That – By Tiffany Sowby
I Dressed Myself – By Emily Allen
How Do You Feel Successful as a Mother? (Radio Show podcast)
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Music from Creations by Michael R. Hicks.
Jennifer says
While studying classroom management for my education degree, I learned that a rule only needs to be enforced 80% of the time for children to remember it as “consistent.” When I am struggling with trying to make things perfect, I remind myself to be consistent instead.