Want to access the inspiration of Power of Moms in a way that works with your busy schedule?
Here’s a quick tutorial on how to make that happen. (And if you’re already enjoying Power of Moms Radio, please share this with your friends!)
What is a podcast?
A podcast is a Portable, On-Demand CAST. It’s a recorded conversation, much like a talk-radio show you’d hear while driving in the car, focused on a specific topic and accessible at any time…while cleaning up the house, folding laundry, exercising at the gym, going on a jog, driving (commuting/running errands), or relaxing in the tub at the end of a long day.
How do I listen?
Podcasts are always available directly from our website (each episode has an embedded player and three buttons like the ones pictured to the right), but it’s best if you subscribe directly through a podcast app on your phone.
If you are using an iOS device, we recommend the FREE iTunes Podcast app.
If you are on an Android or other device, we recommend the FREE Stitcher app.
(This works on iOS devices, as well, and it allows you to save episodes in a folder for later, share episodes you like via social networks, and easily locate other shows you might enjoy.)
Once you download your selected app, simply search “Power of Moms Radio” and look for the blue icon that looks like this:
And if you’d like to actually see how this works, here’s a quick video (less than 4 minutes) showing how to access Power of Moms Radio via iTunes and/or Stitcher.
Power of Moms has a goal of reaching 100,000 mothers every week through Power of Moms Radio by the end of this year–and even more in the years to come.
We believe that the cause of deliberate motherhood is crucial to the success of our societies. We believe that what happens in our homes and families matters. And we believe that if we are going to strengthen the next generation–and give them a better world than the one in which we are currently living–deliberate mothers from every country need a place to come together, learn from each other, and unite in this power of motherhood that is simply unmatched.
If you are willing to help us, please subscribe to Power of Moms Radio, and then share it with all the mothers you know.
Thank you!
April and Saren
As a little P.S…if you would be willing to take a moment to rate and review Power of Moms Radio, that would mean a LOT to us. (It helps us rank higher in iTunes so other moms can find us!)
(1) Click this link to visit our iTunes page.
(2) Click “View in iTunes” on the left of the page (image below).
(3) Select “Ratings and Reviews” at the top of that show page.