The fact is that every mom needs regular breaks.
Teachers get breaks, doctors get breaks, firefighters get breaks . . . there’s no reason in the world why you, the mom, shouldn’t have some time every day, all to yourself.
We know–the concept might make you gasp, “How am I supposed to get a break when I have children who need me every single second of every single day?” We understand.
Join Saren and April for our “Me Time for Moms” Teleclass, and we’ll share our best tips and tricks (and open the call to answer your questions).
Whether you’d like to squeeze in a nap, do some leisure reading, or work on meaningful projects, we’ll help you identify ways to structure a family quiet time that leaves you feeling relaxed, happy, and guilt-free.
Fill out the form below, and we’ll send you the date and time for the call (but no worries if you can’t make it–we’ll record the whole thing and send you the link as soon as it’s uploaded to the site). We’ll also keep you posted on other excellent resources we can offer you (of course you can unsubscribe at any time).
Thanks so much, and welcome to The Power of Moms!