So here we are, the calm before the storm. It’s about 1:30 PM time and time for me to fuel up. It’s hard being a taxi driver. You never know who you’re gonna get once that door opens up. You never know if you’ll need to be a cheerleader, a doctor, a problem-solver or just the driver who needs to get your passenger from point A to point B in less than 15 minutes.
Being a taxi driver can be exhausting at times, endless hours and days of open the door, close the door, seat belts on, seat belts off, getting in, getting out. It’s enough to drive you crazy if you think about it. I know sometimes I wish I didn’t have to drive from here to there in 15 minutes. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have this constant tagline running through my head…”Do they have everything they need?”
Taxi drivers are very unique individuals, and there are never two that are exactly the same. Not to mention the fact that a taxi driver always has to be ready for anything.
As Taxi Moms, we get just a short amount of time to learn about our children. We hear the most exciting news of the day, we get to hear about the challenges they face, and we get to be there supporting and loving them. If only for 15 minute intervals, at least for that brief moment in time, we can make sure that they have everything they need.
Photo by Damian Brandon/