March: The Power of Patience

Moms And Dads Are Just…Different
When you leave your husband home with the kids, do you come home to a disaster zone? I often hear mothers complaining in a “joking” manner how their husbands can’t handle daily family life. Just remember this, motherhood isn’t an easy job.

Do you ever wish you had your own personal cheerleader as a mother? Someone to cheer you on when you seem to be losing the daily battle? Learning to pat yourself on the back when no one else does is a hard, and much needed task, for any mother. In her article, “WOW MOM” Power of Moms Author Elsje Denison shows how putting a little more “WOW” into our daily lives can help us progress in our goals of motherhood.

Midlife Mom Blues
We’ve all heard of postpartum baby blues, but what about mid-life mom blues? Allyson Reynolds gives 5 reasons her newest stage of motherhood (her youngest child started school last fall) is keeping her on her toes…and 5 reasons it’s also really awesome.

Mommy’s Monday Meltdown
Are you trying to do it all, for everyone, on minimal sleep, and with a smiling face? Stephanie Sprenger shares her perspective on the messiness of perfection and the silver lining of a gloomy Monday.

How to Train a Teenager: It Starts With Patience
There’s a lot of talk in the world of paid employment about “skill sets.” Specific skill sets are desirable and even required for certain jobs. Without them, you may not get hired, and if you don’t keep up on them, you may get fired. But what of a moth …

It Is What It Is
How do you deal with stressful situations in a healthy way? Rachel Nielson has a simple, effective way to handle frustration without resorting to negativity.

Does Yelling Motivate?
Tonight my three-year-old and I had a little stand-off. He wanted to wear his brother’s roller skates (instead of his own), and he thought that kicking, screaming, hitting, and biting would do the trick. Dinner was on the stove, my husband was delaye …

The Stockdale Paradox
Motherhood is often punctuated by challenges, sometimes small and mundane and sometimes lasting and heart-wrenching. How can we get through them? The Stockdale Paradox, a mix of optimism and discipline, could be part of your solution.

Peace IS Possible
How do we be calm in our hearts when our kids are crying and our minds are cluttered with worries about everything from finances to what to make for dinner to how a certain child is behaving? Saren shares important tips and includes a recent TV clip.

Mini Catastrophes and an “Attitude of Gratitude”
While mini-catastrophes mean nothing in comparison to the larger problems of the world, these types of experiences happen day in and day out in family life. And if we aren’t careful, they can wear us down and cause us to look at our otherwise wonderful lives through an irritated and gloomy lens.