Photo courtesy of Christy Wright
If someone you love is struggling and you need to encourage them quickly–powerfully–what do you say?
If you could choose only five words to deliver in that moment of need, what would they be?
Christy Wright is a speaker, writer, and business coach who has given addresses at top universities, national business conferences, and Fortune 500 companies. She is a frequent speaker at Dave Ramsey’s events and a contributor to his EntreLeadership website and podcast. Yet her lesson about the “five words that people in your life need to hear” did not come in the midst of her impressive professional experiences; it came in the midst of a simple and touching moment with her husband and her newborn son.
“It was 3 a.m. and I was in the nursery rocking my screaming son in the glider. When my husband heard crying on the monitor and realized it was not one, but two voices crying out, he jumped up to see what was wrong. He ran into the nursery and found me sobbing along with my son, crying a deep and desperate cry of defeat with the last bit of energy I had. When he could see that no one was hurt but I was at the end of everything I had, he stood in the doorway, looked at me with both a sweetness and sternness in his voice, and said just five words.”
Continue on to the full article to discover the wise words that Christy’s husband spoke to her that night, and consider how our relationships with our spouses, children, and friends could be improved if we too used these five “life-giving” words.
**April Perry was privileged to interview today’s featured author, Christy Wright, as part of the Mom Conference this past week. To hear the interview and learn strategies for “Creating Better Life Balance,” click here.
I really want to read the full article of this. The links given say the article cannot be found. Is there another link you can give us??
Hi Kimberly,
We’ve just updated the link. It should work for you now. 😉