April Fools pranks are so… pointless? fun? I don’t know but I just love the chance to do silly stuff and get a rise out of my kids.
Navigating the Internet
A few nights ago, I collapsed on the couch after tucking my children into bed, and I thought I’d look through a few blogs before heading out to a baby shower. As I looked through a seemingly-endless stream of perfectly-decorated homes, darling crafts, and breathtaking photography, I started to feel like an absolute zero. I […]
Teenage girls…what can you say about ’em? They’re emotional, they’re giggly, and they’re trying to find themselves. The teenage years are so difficult. Would I do them over again? No way! So as I stand by watching my daughter go through them, I feel a tug at my heart strings whenever she’s hurting. I remember how […]
Taxi Cab Confession
So here we are, the calm before the storm. It’s about 1:30 PM time and time for me to fuel up. It’s hard being a taxi driver. You never know who you’re gonna get once that door opens up. You never know if you’ll need to be a cheerleader, a doctor, a problem-solver or just the […]
You Are Doing a Great Job!
Here are a few of my insights: Never compare yourself to another mommy and never judge another mommy. Each mommy is different. Each pregnancy is different. Each baby is different. Each baby nurses differently. (If they can even nurse at all – that’s okay if they can’t!) And yet we do compare ourselves to others. […]
Decide When Enough is Enough
Each year as the school year winds down I make the same goal: to let my kids be kids for the summer. Let them imagine and have down time. I have big plans to hang out, just the six of us, and go to the library and have our own kind of field trips. Each […]
Enjoy the Moments
Little things make me smile. And sometimes (well, most of the time) I forget to write them down. Like how Lucy straightens her legs and points her toes (smooshing her totally chunky thighs together) when I lay her down to change her diaper or how Grace just has to do a little dance in front […]
Celebrate Imagination
Sometimes you’ve got to have a little imagination to get you through the trenches of motherhood. You’ve also got to enjoy the imagination your kids are naturally full of. There’s nothing that brightens a dreary morning like walking in on your three-year-old daughter after the breakfast chaos to find her in the midst of […]
Look at The Big Picture
There were a lot of years when I thought I would never walk by the diaper aisle at the grocery store without stocking up…I dreamed of the days that I would be able to sleep in instead of waking to that annoying alarm clock and dragging myself out of bed…
Mommy’s Quiet Time 101
Would you like to have at least an hour of quiet time every single day? (Even if your children have stopped napping?) This post is FULL of ideas to get you started.
Book Summary: Who Moved My Cheese?
This is a popular business book, written to encourage us to deal with change in a healthy, productive manner. Although the book itself doesn’t specifically address motherhood issues, one of the best things a mom can learn is how to be flexible. Several great ideas are compiled into this fun book–and it takes less than one nap-time to read!
Will They Get It?
I often wondered, are the values we’re teaching, like service, really sticking?