In our family, all of us (including me) often have a hard time accepting the basic but sad fact that you can’t always get what you want. One day, as I found myself telling the kids “I’m sorry, but we don’t always get what we want” again and again, a certain song came to mind. […]
The Broiled Zucchini Cake and Other Adventures
My Aunt Mary taught me to make the most delicious chocolate zucchini cake I have ever tasted. I could eat it for every meal…every day…for weeks. My self-control is in jeopardy when the cake and I are in the same room, so I only make it for special occasions when I am sure someone else […]
Practical Ways to Love our Families (and Ourselves) – Episode 6
We all know that love is an important ingredient in any family, but how do you show love to yourself and your family members amidst all the thousands of things there are to do each day? Here’s a podcast where we talk about ways to create a loving home. environment.
Simple Truths About Kids… and Moms!
You know that poem, “The Little Girl”? There was a little girl And she had a little curl, Right in the middle of her forehead, When she was good, She was very, very good, And when she was bad she was horrid. Well, I have three boys and the last one fits this poem to […]
If All Else Fails, Make Hair Follicles
When I was young and single, I would envision the family that I would have and the kind of mother I would be. I would create disciplinary strategies, structured schedules and be baffled (in a way only non-parents are) by mothers whose children seemed “out of control” whatsoever. I dreamt of the active, productive, creative […]
Enjoy ’em Before They’re Gone
I am a closet worrier. I try to keep my worries hidden, to act nonchalant, but in truth, I worry about everything. I come from a don’t-run-with-scissors and motorcycles-will-kill-you-early kind of home; it’s genetically ingrained in me. So worrying became Worrying when I had children. My WorryList starts with the basics: Are they eating enough? […]
Along for the Ride
It started with the usual oohing and ahhing. The hotel’s desk clerk and concierge loved my four week old baby. “Ah, so small!” “So sweet.” “How old?” “What’s her name?” Then came the question, “Is she your first?” I almost burst into hysterical laughter right there, but I composed myself and answered wryly, “Actually, no, […]
Love More
About five years ago, we decided to add two more words to our already established three word family mission statement (to be revealed at a different time). These two words: LOVE MORE are so simple to write, simple to say, often hard to put into action. When everything is going well, the weather […]
Love Loans
I sat beside the tub and poured water over Ivy’s belly, wishing I could make the noise and chaos behind me disappear.
It was me they needed. More of my time, more of my energy, more of me.
Each Day is a Gift
Submitted by Kelleyn Rothaermel: I remember the day as if it were yesterday, but over three years have passed since that day. My husband, our middle child, and I were going in to find out the sex of our third child. I was so excited! I was hoping for a girl since we had two […]
My Summer Bucket List
I love love love summer. I am always a little flabbergasted when I talk to moms who dread summer. Usually it’s because they feel overwhelmed at the prospect of so much free time. They feel it’s a bit of a chore to keep their kids busy. But that’s why I like summer. I cast aside […]
When Mommy Fell Down
I had a very ungraceful moment the other day when I tripped on our bottom stair. Though the experience was not enjoyable, the results of it taught me I have a priceless gift–right in my own home.