It’s confession time: I have a shopping problem. While my husband might be tempted to tell you the problem is spending too much money (which maybe it is sometimes), the real problem is that I’m not investing money in things that will last me a long time.
Being June Cleaver
June Cleaver has been the butt of many jokes over the years. She became the quintessential mother during the postwar era, donning pearls and heels on an ordinary day while dishing up moral guidance and comfort alongside her hearty and well balanced five o’clock dinner. For whatever reason, she came to represent all things good and […]
What I Think My Mom Would Say
In 1984, my mom died. She was 50 and I was 19. She had breast cancer. Let me back up a minute to tell you why she died. We were a bohemian, hippie family living in Topanga, California. We were vegans (that included no white sugar or white flour) and only organic food. We […]
Book Summary: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother
I believe that I can learn from anyone, even if I don’t agree with them, particularly if they share their successes and failures in achieving something. Amy Chua does just that in her book as she recounts how she helped her children become great musicians.
Life Isn’t Fair
So often these days, every kid gets a trophy just for playing on a team and standouts are not recognized very often for going that extra mile. Do you think, if you dig deep down, the blame for this should be traced back to our moms (in the end, isn’t every thing always blamed on the moms anyway — smirk)?
If All Else Fails, Just Give Up
To listen to this post rather than reading it, click here. Did I really just type that title? Aren’t we supposed to keep trying and never give up? The younger, more optimistic version of me would be appalled that I now view giving up as a viable strategy. It’s not that I’m jaded now. It’s […]
The 15-Minute Makeover
It doesn’t involve lasers, chemicals, pills, or suction, you don’t have to make an appointment with a professional, there are no unpleasant side effects, and best of all? It’s free! In fact, this makeover can be done right in the privacy of your very own home, any day of the week, whenever you need it. […]
Preschool: The Road To Harvard?
Today I signed my youngest child up for pre-school next year. Being new to the area, I chose a school based on proximity and the recommendations of two moms I know and trust. That’s pretty much it. I didn’t investigate other schools in the area and grill them on their educational style and philosophy, nor […]
How to Keep from “Losing It” – Episode 7
Cookies in the milk jug, tantrums at the grocery store, strong personalities you wish you could control . . . . It feels nearly impossible sometimes to keep your wits about you when everything seems to be going wrong. In this podcast, we’ll discuss questions like the following: “What defines patience?” “Is anger a choice?” […]
March Make a Difference Challenge: Make a Loan Through Kiva
This month is focused on helping those around the world! We first came across a company called KIVA ( while seeing the founders on Oprah. Their way of helping others in their businesses through micro loans is amazing! We started giving loans right away. For birthdays or Christmas we include a KIVA gift certificate. The kids […]
A Work in Progress
Firstborn children are special. You know why? Because they are the guinea pigs of all mothers everywhere. Let’s be honest, how many of us knew what the heck we were doing when that ceremonial hospital wheelchair pushed us out into our new world, bundle in arms, like a runner coming out of the starting block? […]
Liberation in Motherhood–an Oxymoron?
I just read a very interesting article in the New York Times called “Fear (Again) of Flying” by Judith Warner. The article talks about how so many women in the 1970’s wanted OUT of traditional roles that felt restrictive. They wanted to reach higher and expand their horizons and create new possibilities for themselves and women […]