So there I was—8 months pregnant, home making dinner, and my 5 year old daughter asks me, “Mom, do you ever wish you were a daddy so you wouldn’t have to make us dinner?” I must have looked pretty tired, so to that question I immediately tried to perk up, and I responded, “No way, I mean think how great it is I get to have babies in my tummy! Daddies can’t do that.” Without missing a beat my daughter responded, “But mom it doesn’t sound so great to have a baby in your tummy, I mean every time you bend over or move you make these weird noises like ‘ugh’ and ‘agh’.” All I could say to that was that mommies still love having babies in their tummies even though sometimes they make funny noises while they bend over and move. And then I just got a good laugh that, yes, our kids watch us a lot more than we think they do!
Getting cute questions like that from my kids is one of the best “Mom” moments!
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