When Real Estate Agents show a home, they frequently leave their business card on the kitchen counter to let the homeowner know who had entered their house that day. Last night when I got into bed, I felt Grace’s “calling card,”a little baby doll in a green outfit with the word “May” (her birth month) embroidered across her chest. I realized that some day I will miss finding my children’s toys in my bed. Sometimes it is Ethan’s cars all lined up under my blanket—other times it is two or three dolls all tucked in with the covers up to their chins. I think of it as my children’s way of saying, “Remember me” while they are asleep. And I do.
QUESTION: What type of calling card can you leave for your children?
CHALLENGE: This week, try to leave a special calling card for each of your children to appreciate.
Image from FreeDigitalPhotos/tungphoto.