Several years ago, our family started a little tradition called “We Love to Be a Family” Day. (There’s a link below in the Show Notes to my original post explaining what we did, step by step.)
I didn’t know what my family would think of it, but they LOVED it, and we have carried on the tradition every year since.
The key is that you have to have a map. The simpler the better (a brown grocery sack will do the trick!), but the idea is that you create a little map of activities you’re going to do as a family, and then you “unveil” each activity as you go throughout the day.
The best part? It’s not just my family who loves this. I’ve literally received emails and photos from families around the world who have started their own “We Love to Be a Family” Day tradition, and it is amazing to watch how much fun everyone is having (even on a small budget or with limited time).
Today, in this special mini-podcast of Power of Moms Radio, I interviewed my friend Amber Chamber, whose family participated last year (and had such a great time that they’re doing it again this year!).
In the three minutes it takes to listen to this podcast, I think you’ll get a sense for how simple, fun, and rewarding this can be for your family. (And then you can access your very own planning template below!)
So listen…and then share…and then try this with your own family. We’re totally confident you’ll love it. (Please feel free to either email us your pictures or tag @powerofmoms on Instagram and use the hashtag #WeLoveToBeAFamilyDay.)
Can’t wait to hear how it goes!
Show Notes
Check out the full post April wrote about “We Love to Be a Family Day” here.
Explore other episodes of Power of Moms Radio here!
Need more ideas for activities? Here are a few we’ve loved:
- Playing with puppies at the pet shop in the mall (they have a little room where you can hang out with the puppy of your choice for 10 minutes or so)
- Using coupons to restaurants we love
- Geocaching
Please add your own ideas in the comments!
Music from Creations by Michael R. Hicks
Audio editing by Christy Elder
[…] zu ignorieren, haben wir letztes Jahr eine sehr schöne Idee ausprobiert, die ich auf der Seite Power of Moms gefunden hatte. Danach wird der Tag zum „We love to be a family day“ und feiert das […]