Motherhood is a beautiful, wonderful pursuit. But it sure involves a lot of mundane tasks that have to be done again and again and again! And it can sure be frustrating when our “doing” is always being “undone.”
In this week’s Radio Show, April and Saren discuss ways to find meaning and magic in the mundane.
They share tips for changing the way we view the less-than-glamorous parts of motherhood by recognizing that even the most exciting jobs involve some mundane aspects, learning to make typical household chores into relationship-building activities, and recognizing the powerful “big picture” of what we’re doing.
We’d love to hear your thoughts below, and if you like this radio show, please share it with your friends and take a moment to rate us with an honest review on iTunes. Thanks so much!
Show Notes:
Motherhood is Movement (Saren’s poem)
April’s Posts
What’s the Point of Housework (goes into detail on making housework into relationship-building activities)
Six Reasons to Never Give Up on Motherhood
Making Housework Into Favorite Memories
Look at the Big Picture (Linda Eyre’s post)
Be Sure to Add “Mom” to Your Resume
Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about our work? (TED Talk April and Saren referenced in the podcast)
Click here to view the PDF summary of the podcast
Music from Creations by Michael R. Hicks.
Audio Editing by Christy Elder
This was an excellent podcast to listen to while cleaning the house. I’m encouraged now to include my children more in working with me…a great opportunity to connect and communicate and teach. Loved the idea of writing a poem as a mom, haven’t thought much of that since high school but I’m sure there’s a poem in me that is waiting to be written. Thanks for the encouragement. Charity
This podcast was so timely for me! I just want to say “ditto” to everything April and Saren said. Just a few weeks away from D-day with baby #2, I have been feeling especially frustrated with having to pick things up or wipe up messes on the floor, as it is so hard to bend or squat down. I also work full-time in a fun and fulfilling career, yet have often felt burdened by the mundane/administrative tasks that accompany the fun side of my work. Every job has its downside. Thank you for making that point! And such a very small side of motherhood is a downside, comparatively, even though it may seem like we spend countless hours wiping up that same cup of apple juice. Great reminder to keep it all in perspective.
Good luck with your delivery! And thanks for your great comments. You are right–a very small side of motherhood is a downside. We so appreciate your perspective!
THANK YOU!!! Sharing Allyson’s “What am I making?” really hit home for me. I have heard so many other women say things about how fun housework is or here’s how you deal with it so that’s its not such a drudgery and none of it seems realistic to me. You actually shared thoughts and ideas that were helpful & life changing (not just “Pollyanna”-tidues). Now I have hope that I can do this day-in and day-out without the guilty feelings of choosing between clean house or spending time with family and my other responsibilities/choices. I am making a family!
Beautiful thoughts, Shelly! So happy you enjoyed the podcast, and you’re absolutely right. It’s not an either-or choice. It’s a beautiful process… xo
I have five children from 9 to 1, and for the past several months I have totally felt like I am not making progress! Not losing the baby weight, dealing with the same struggles from the same children, seeing goals I have made for myself that just are not being realized as well as I would like. Sometimes I feel so helpless and like I am not really making a difference, even though deep down I really do know that I am! I loved this podcast, I listened to it as I put three weeks of groceries in the fridge and pantry! Thank you for your thoughts and ideas! I loved the poem Saren. That was beautiful. I am going to try to have a clearer “vision” of motherhood! Thanks for all you do to inspire and uplift!
Jeannette, hopefully you are already aware of this, but with the young ages of your children, you have a TON on your plate! Just keeping track of a one-year-old is a full-time job. I wish I had been gentler with myself during that time in my life… Sounds like you DO see the difference you’re making and the progress you’re achieving. It’s such a work in process, but in a few years, you’ll really be able to see more clearly how AWESOME you are. (For now, just trust us…) Thanks for being part of Power of Moms!