As we enter this new year, a lot of us are facing hard situations that we feel powerless to change. Many of us are living on uncomfortably tight incomes or facing consequences brought upon us by unanticipated circumstances. Some of us struggle to find hope and joy when our lives just aren’t turning out the way we anticipated.
In this 30-minute podcast, Power of Moms Co-Director, Saren Loosli talks with Koni Smith (Power of Moms Board Member) about accepting and working through the super hard things that life can throw our way.
Koni shares her story of hard times (her husband has been out of work for a couple years now which necessitated the sale of their home and a move into her husband’s parents’ basement with their five children while expecting a sixth “surprise” child) and Saren and Koni discuss concrete ideas for getting through (and learning from) the really difficult circumstances we all face at some point in our lives.
Whether you’re facing economic hardships, physical challenges, or emotional difficulties, the principles in this podcast can help you see the hope and find the power to change your mind and heart even when you can’t change your circumstances.
Click here to listen to the podcast, “Getting Through the Dark Times” with Saren and Koni.
(You might need to give it a minute to load)
All podcasts are also available on iTunes.
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Click here to access all Power of Moms podcasts in iTunes
Music from Creations by Michael R. Hicks.
Wonderful advice! Thank you.
Georgina x