Woman. Wife. Mother. Worker.
The above roles characterize who I am.
A woman with great potential to achieve and accomplish anything I set my mind to. A woman full of wonder, love, and laughter. A woman ready to take a stand to defend anything that is true; willing to follow anything that brings great joy into my life and expands my knowledge. A woman ready to learn and excel in any way possible to edify others around me.
A wife. A wife ready to unconditionally love my husband, to support him, to cheer him, to feed his soul, to nourish his spirit, to help him grow. A wife willing to compromise with my husband to follow our dreams or to simply come to an agreement on whatever it may be. A wife constantly reminding my husband of the great love and admiration I have for him, for in the end, he is my eternal companion and I owe it to him to nourish and strengthen our relationship.
A mother. A mother willing to distinguish between her needs and the needs of her children. I am a mother who finds great joy in teaching my children true family values; to teach them self-respect and love. I truly enjoy just hanging out with them, tickling them and hearing them laugh. I am a happy mother when I see in their sweet little faces a reflection of safety, love, admiration, respect, and peace. When I see that, I know what kind of job I’m doing as their Mom.
A worker. I am a full-time worker. In these troubling times I am thankful to have a secure and stable job. I give the very best I can knowing someone is counting on me to do so. I have made great friendships in the work place and have met my social needs.
But at the end of the day, the most important roles I play are the ones of wife and mother. Because I have met my own needs throughout the day, I am truly able to say I am so happy and blessed to be a wife and a mother.
We all play many roles at different points in our lives. When we truly see and know who we are, we blossom in these wonderful roles and are entitled to play and have fun with them.
QUESTION: What are your specific roles today and how can you make them better?
CHALLENGE: Choose an area in one of your roles that you can improve on today.
Submitted on 9-2-2010 at 06:51pm
Vicky, I am a full-time worker too and I am happy to see your post. I worked full-time when my older kids were little then have been home for the past 10 years, recently returning to a full-time job. It has been a blessing to us in this economy but a tough transition in adding this new role. Thanks again. I am finding that the Bloom game here on POM is helping me in all of my roles!