The Bloom Game is unavailable at this time. It is being reformatted and will be back in a few months! Sorry for the inconvenience.
Ready to become the mom and person you really want to be?
With the Bloom Game, you can “play your way to a better you.”
“The day came when the risk it took to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to bloom.” – Anais Nin
“We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?” – Marianne Williamson
Purpose of the Game
Bloom is about helping you experience more:
Accomplishment: You’ll set and complete very “do-able” goals each week with help from our goal suggestions.
- Balance: You’ll feel balanced as you select your goals from each of three categories “For You,” “For Your Family,” and “Beyond” (involvement in service and jobs – paid or unpaid – beyond your own home)
- Serendipity: You’ll notice and embrace unexpected opportunities to learn, teach and enjoy life as you seek out and record your “serendipity moments.”
Click HERE to read about Bloom Players experiences or visit check out this brief video to learn more.
Set Up and Method of Play
We’ll guide you through the following simple steps:
- Complete the quick Bloom Self-Assessment Tool. This will provide a “baseline” so you can clearly see how you’re growing, becoming, and blooming as you move forward.
- Select the Beginner or Advanced level (determines the number of goals you’ll work on each week – you can change which level you’re playing on at any time).
- Choose a few bite-sized goals for each upcoming week (choose from our list of great goal ideas or create your own goals to fit your needs).
- Throughout the week, use the personalized Bloom Score Sheet we create for you (print it out or use it online) to keep track of your accomplishments and Serendipity Moments.
- Each Sunday, our Bloom Manager, Dawn Wessman, your personal progression coach, will send you a special coaching email with some uplifting ideas, a great quote, and a reminder to enter your results from the previous week and set new goals. We’ll save all your past goals and scores so you can look back any time.
Through this simple game, you’ll be taking “baby-steps” towards your fondest hopes and dreams every day while feeling more balanced and “fun” than you’ve felt in a long time.
Scoring Points
There are two ways to get points each week:
1. Completing Goals: You get a point for each goal you set and accomplish
2. Serendipity Moments: You get a point for embracing and recording the spontaneous moments of giving, growing and enjoying that you come up in your life
You’re the only one who can access your exact “score” but you may want to share your score with friends as you support each other and engage in some friendly competition.
Number of Players
You can play on your own or invite friends and relatives to play with you…sharing your goals and scores increases the probability that you’ll accomplish the goals you set. You can decide on a “prize” you’ll all get – like going to lunch or enjoying a pedicure together – if you all earn a certain number of points in a 4-week period. Positive peer pressure is a beautiful thing!
Besides the amazing sense of accomplishment this program provides, you can also come up with some fun personal incentives or brainstorm a fun joint prize (like a special luncheon or a girls’ weekend) if you’re playing the Bloom Game with friends.
The price is $35.00 for a lifetime subscription to the program (but just $28 for our New Years special)*.
Yep, for less than the price of one nice evening out, you’ll have an entire lifetime of enrollment in a program that will truly help you Bloom through self-assessment, weekly email coaching and goal-setting tools.
Because we’re so convinced you’ll love this game once you experience it for yourself, we’re offering a full refund if you try it for up to 30 days and find it isn’t working for you.
* We are committed to helping every mother have access to all the resources on our site that she needs. If you happen to be in a difficult financial situation, please review our payment philosophy and submit a quick and easy request. We’ll be more than happy to help.
If you’d like to enjoy Bloom in combination with our excellent “Mommy is a Person” Video Training, you can purchase the two together for just $49. Click HERE to find out more about “Mommy is a Person”.
Ready to start playing?
Register below. If you don’t already have one, you’ll be prompted to create a login and password for yourself (it takes just a few seconds), then you’ll sign up and jump right into some fun and simple growing and progressing.
This program will help you grow and bloom, bit by bit, week by week. You will love the way this game will make you feel!
“There is a place deep in your soul where a little seed rests. This seed is your amazing potential. Each time you push yourself, each time you breathe a true deep breath, each time you reach your hands to the stars, you nourish that little seed and feed your soul.” – Karen Tye
Photo of family by photostock/