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Our site also features a full podcast series by Linda Eyre and her daughters.
And you can listen to recordings of our weekly Power of Moms Radio show by April and Saren.
[collapsible title=”What are moms saying about the podcasts?” title_prefix=””]
“I’ve finally found a way to make folding laundry enjoyable… listening to Power of Moms podcasts while I tackle those mountains of clothes! It makes the time fly by and makes matching up socks a pleasure (ok, perhaps I wouldn’t go that far). I just wanted to say thanks for all you are doing.”
–Jeanette Millward
“Just a few weeks ago I started listening to the podcasts and they are encouraging, motivating, give great ideas and information, help me have more confidence in my abilities as a mom, and most importantly (to me) they help me not be so hard on myself and to lose the guilt. I have realized I’m not alone in my feelings about various aspects of motherhood – during podcasts things are expressed and my jaw literally drops that there is another mother out there has a similar feeling about something. Keep the podcasts coming!”
–Shannon Bryant
“I started listening to your podcasts in December (while I fold laundry. Of course, right?). The solidarity alone is wonderful, but you have also shared some great life philosophies and helpful parenting advice. I heard about these from a friend, and you have quickly become my favorite podcast! I was so excited to see a new one waiting for me today. Thank you so much for all you do–I already feel so much better as a person, and I really feel that several of these podcasts have already changed the way I approach my daily life with my kids in such a positive way. I so appreciate you! Thank you!”
–Jamie Walton
“I love to listen to your radio episodes and podcasts. I find myself going to those when I’m washing dishes or making a meal.
Often what you talk about is an issue I’m thinking about and mulling over. But even if I don’t exactly “relate” to the content, it puts me in a mindset to think about my children and do some problem solving. That happened for me today. You were talking about something unrelated, but my mind went to my concern about how to keep my 8-year-old occupied during her brother’s piano lesson that afternoon. (Yes, I know a silly, small concern but a concern, nonetheless.) We have to travel a little bit for music and so we end up hanging out there in that part of town. Lately she’s been so bored with playgrounds and doesn’t want to do homework yet with me, and it becomes a frustrating time for both of us instead of a positive time. But as you were chatting on the podcast, the thought came to me to bring her sketch book and colored pencils. It was a perfect solution. She did some drawing (her love) and got some space from people (which I think she needs after school) while I played hard on the playground with my toddler. He loved my attention and I was reminded how much more I need to take advantage of time with him at this age to just make him laugh. As I was loving that moment with him, I thought, I need to say thank you. So thank you. Thank you for reminding me of the kind of mother I want to be.”
– Alice-Anne Johns