Do you ever hesitate when it comes to moving toward your goals?
This lively podcast with Power of Moms Co-Director, April Perry, and motivational speaker, Chantelle Adams, will provide some great ideas to help all of us live with more courage, confidence, and compassion.
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More about Chantelle (and the podcast)
Chantelle is one of the 12 main authors of Deliberate Motherhood and is a popular motivational speaker. (You can learn more about her work teaching children by visiting
A recovering perfectionist and fear addict, she’s now become a Courage Coach and Freedom Creator, and in this podcast she digs deep into the power that comes from facing your fears and ways we can start to take action right now to live our most courageous lives.
Chantelle tells of the turning point in her life where she realized that she was alive, but not really living, and how she set out on her own personal courage revolution which has included her most recent adventure of skydiving where she fell 10,000 feet to raise $10,000 to build a school in Nicaragua. You can read her list of crazy fears and find out more about The Courage to Fly Project at
In this podcast we also talk about how our children need to be courageous (now more than ever) and how they need their moms to be brave and show them the way to really accept themselves, make choices based on what they know is right, and stand up for others. They also need to have courage to step out of their comfort zones and go for their big dreams while making a difference in the world in their own way. This podcast will help each of us commit to courageous parenting and set us on that path to living our “big, brave lives.”
All you have to do is write a comment after listening to the podcast and share with us one fear you are ready to conquer.The winners will be selected on Tuesday, November 5th.
The Courage Igniter Session is for you if:
You have been hiding behind your excuses, your fears, and what the world thinks you SHOULD be doing.
You are so tired of putting on an act, you are feeling exhausted trying to be something you aren’t, and you are trying desperately to fit in when what you really want is to be seen and accepted for exactly who you are. (You are looking for someone to give you the green light to be who you are, no apologies, no exceptions.)
You are ready to start living your life your way but that means getting really clear on what has kept you wanting and waiting for so long and then taking some serious action right now.
Show Notes:
Music in the podcast from Creations by Michael R. Hicks
Julie Molloy says
Your Courage-to-Fly podcast was a wake up call for me. I really enjoyed hearing how Chantelle is able to involve her family in her quest for courageous, whole hearted living. I would love to conquer my fear of engaging in real conversations that involve me stating my beliefs instead of sticking to safe, mom small talk. I turned 40 this year & I want to show up as my true self instead of playing it safe due to the fear that other moms, friends, family won’t like me if I share who I really am. I have 2 daughters & I want to teach them what Chantelle teaches her kids…being different is GREAT! Thank you very much.
Chantelle Adams says
That totally gave me goosebumps Julie, thank you so much for sharing! I am grateful beyond words that this podcast impacted you and made you sit up and take note of how you want to live a more courageous life for you… but also as a powerful example for your daughters! They are watching you and as you allow yourself to be open, real and vulnerable… being true to who you are they will feel more confidence in doing the same. What greater gift could you give your beautiful daughters than to really accept themselves and have the courage to do, be and say what is truly in their heart without fear of judgement because they know without a doubt who they are!!! Too many of us play it safe in all aspects of our life, it is time to live boldly!!! xo Chantelle
Chantelle Adams says
Julie Molloy, you have won a FREE Courage Igniter Session with ME! Woohoo, so please contact me by going to my Facebook page: and just send me a direct message there saying you received this message and giving me your email address so I can then send you the links to book our session together!
I look forward to helping you live with more courage in 2014!
Candi says
My courage bucket list: #1. Is to give myself permission to try new something new that I might not be good at!
Chantelle Adams says
Thank you for sharing Candi and this is something I struggled with for YEARS! I was an approval and success addict and only did what I knew I would be good at so I missed out on so many adventures, opportunities, experiences and skills because I was afraid to try. This has made a HUGE difference in my life because I am now out there doing the snow plow down the hill and looking quite ridiculous but I am creating memories with my family rather than sitting in the lodge, I am showing my kids it is ok to fall down and that you get up when you do, and I am building my own confidence to try other things as well. As we try, we learn and we grow and that is really what this life is all about… not about just being good but in being willing to fail so we can say we tried!!! xo Chantelle
Chantelle Adams says
Candi, you have won a FREE Courage Igniter Session with ME! Woohoo, so please contact me by going to my Facebook page: and just send me a direct message there saying you received this message and giving me your email address so I can then send you the links to book our session together!
I look forward to helping you live with more courage in 2014!
Susannah says
I am afraid to fail. I am paralyzed by the thought of failing. Because of this fear, I also don’t dream big. When I tried to make the list of what I am afraid of nothing came to mind. Not because I’m unafraid, but because I make tiny easily attainable goals with no hint of failure.
Thanks for this podcast.
Chantelle Adams says
Hey Susannah, thank you for being open and vulnerable… that took courage to admit that you are afraid to fail and that is the first step… nice work!!! I was there with you and felt that failing was the end, it meant I wasn’t good enough, smart enough, strong enough, committed enough… but in my attempt to stay clear of failing I realized that I was failing myself… huge wake up call for me. Now I embrace failure and I just wrote this on my Facebook page… “I believe that failure is the key to success and if we can just learn to embrace failure and know that through it is how we grow, learn and become who we are meant to become… then we will find that through failing anything is possible. #failingisawesome Now get out there and fail… because that means you are out there trying and doing and living!!” (
I want you for your goal is to focus on failing being a positive, wonderful, amazing thing… no more is it a negative thing to fail… I want you to repeat to yourself over and over that failure is good, failure, is amazing, failure means I am trying, failure means I am growing, failure is helping me become the person I want to be!!! You got this!!! xo Sending you big virtual hugs!!!
Chantelle Adams says
Susannah, you have won a FREE Courage Igniter Session with ME! Woohoo, so please contact me by going to my Facebook page: and just send me a direct message there saying you received this message and giving me your email address so I can then send you the links to book our session together!
I look forward to helping you live with more courage in 2014!
Cheryl says
Thank you! I have been needing an extra nudge to follow my dreams (which involve Power of Moms) and go ahead in spite of my fears.
Chantelle Adams says
Yay Cheryl, now go get your brave on!!! xo
Chantelle Adams says
Cheryl, you have won a FREE Courage Igniter Session with ME! Woohoo, so please contact me by going to my Facebook page: and just send me a direct message there saying you received this message and giving me your email address so I can then send you the links to book our session together!
I look forward to helping you live with more courage in 2014!
Linda says
Loved this Courage-to-fly podcast. I need courage to work on taking care of myself. I always feel others needs come before my own. yet I know that in order take of others I need to take care of myself spiritually, physically and emotionally. Knowing it is different than doing it.
Chantelle Adams says
Linda you said it… knowing it is different than doing it and taking action takes courage! But you got this. What I would suggest because I know that one thing that probably stands in your way from taking action on this is guilt or you feel like others will question why you need a break or time for yourself etc. So, what I want you to do is to think about what you need to feel taken care of… whether it is 20 minutes when your husband gets home where you get to disappear and do reading, meditating, take a bath… whatever. Or maybe it is getting to the gym or going for a walk. Decide on what you need then take it to the person that will need to help you make that happen and explain to him or to your kids that this is WHY you need this time. Help them to see firsthand how you taking time for yourself is benefiting THEM… then the guilt melts away because everyone is clear on why this is important for everyone and how it is a good thing for all involved!!! xo Can’t wait to hear how it goes! Would love to have you over on my Facebook page to connect more!
Chantelle Adams says
Linda, you have won a FREE Courage Igniter Session with ME! Woohoo, so please contact me by going to my Facebook page: and just send me a direct message there saying you received this message and giving me your email address so I can then send you the links to book our session together!
I look forward to helping you live with more courage in 2014!
Tiffiny says
Thank you for this podcast! Your story about sitting in your friend’s funeral and having a “re-evaluate moment” stuck with me. My family is in the midst of losing two great ladies in our lives–One to cancer and one to heart failure. We are in the mode of simply trying to get through each day as normally as possible while dreading the sound of the phone that might tell us that one or both of them is gone. I don’t want to miss the opportunity to learn from this experience, but honestly, my courage is no where to be found. My “advanced planning self” has obviously been thrown for a loop and I haven’t found my “live in the moment self” yet. I am not even sure where to look for her. I guess that should be #1 on my courage bucket list.
Chantelle Adams says
Tiffiny, you have won a FREE Courage Igniter Session with ME! Woohoo, so please contact me by going to my Facebook page: and just send me a direct message there saying you received this message and giving me your email address so I can then send you the links to book our session together!
I look forward to helping you live with more courage in 2014!
Chantelle Adams says
Alright I said I would do 5 Courage Igniter Sessions free but there are 6 amazing women who had the courage to share and I so appreciate all of you!
SO, I am going to award all 6 of you a session!!!!
Can you give me a WOOT WOOT!
I can’t wait to support you ladies in your Courage journey.
Jeanette says
Just listened to this podcast this morning while folding laundry (Power of Mom’s podcasts are the ONLY way to get through those mountains of clothes). I needed this podcast today. I started my day with a half an hour of tears after dropping the kids off at school for their first day back after Christmas break. The fear of getting back in “the routine” is causing me so much anxiety (for many reasons). It was so great to listen to you discuss courage, and also validate that sometimes courage is found in doing the seemingly small things that we do day after day. Thanks for another amazing podcast!
Kasey says
Just listened to this one today and I just wanted to “testify” of the power of doing HARD things! One thing I was pretty certain I could never do was run. I was that kid in middle school who would do anything to get out of running The Mile. And when I had to do it, I would halfheartedly jog, but mostly just walk. It was so hard!
Well, I ended up marrying an athletic guy and one year he decided to do a 10k. Of course, he didn’t really have to train at all, because he was just good at everything, so he ran it, easy peasy, and I went to watch. Seeing the people at all different skill levels doing this (what I thought was) impossible thing was so inspiring. I decided then and there that I wanted to run it the following year. Like you said, I told everyone I was doing it so I wouldn’t chicken out. My goal was to RUN the whole thing- no walking!
So I started training. At first, I couldn’t even run for a minute, much less a mile. But I kept working at it. Soon, I could run for five minutes. Then, I could run for a whole mile. Then I aimed for 2 miles. Then 2.5. Then 3. By the month of the race I had run 5 miles without stopping! I knew I could do that last mile.
So anyway, it took me a year, but I DID IT! And then I got addicted to running and I’ve done it 2 more times since, plus some 5k’s in there as well. It was amazing to me how that accomplishment changed my life- I proved to myself that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. That was a gift that no one else could ever give me- I had to do it for myself.
The most beautiful thing about courage is that the more you have, the more you get. If you push yourself to be brave enough to do just one hard thing, you will be repaid in an exponential increase in courage for every other hard thing you want to do. Pretty soon, there’s nothing you can’t do!
April Perry says
Such an inspiring comment! Thank you so much, Kasey! I love your energy and bravery. 🙂