Extracurricular activities are a fun way to add dimension to life, and they’re a great way to discover and develop talents. But if we aren’t careful, they can take over!
Experienced mother Caryn Payzant joins April Perry in this helpful podcast about choosing where our children (and we, as moms) spend our time. Caryn has raised three successful children (who are now well-adjusted adults) and has been through the tough world of extracurricular activities. Listen to her philosophy on how to pick the best activities for your family members, battle peer pressure, teach values, and prepare your children for college.
Click here to listen.
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Brooke M says
What a wonderful overview of this topic! I learned so much and really felt like my eyes were opened to a lot of ideas I hadn’t considered. My kids are still all under 7 so I feel like I haven’t yet come to this stage of motherhood, but listening to this podcast made me excited. It also gave me a lot to contemplate so I can have my philosophies in place as I merge my kids into the world of extra curriculars.