If you often feel like you’re surrounded with “stuff,” you’re not alone. Join April Perry and Alice Fulton Osborne as they discuss practical strategies for streamlining our lives. (It will do more for you than you think!)
Posts in the "Your Stuff" category:
Organizing our Stuff: Episode 32
Feeling overwhelmed by the stuff in your home? In this episode, April and Saren offer practical tips for streamlining and organizing the toys, clothes, dishes and furnishings. Join the conversation!
Julie Morgenstern – Organizing: Episode 3
Oprah Winfrey, Rachael Ray, and Katie Couric have all featured NYT best-selling author Julie Morgenstern. And now she has stopped by Power of Moms!
Karate Kid Lesson
My 7-year old is a disaster…when it comes to organizing, that is. Step One was getting her to realize things don’t belong under the couch, on the couch, or in the middle of the kitchen. That’s when we introduced the Karate Kid method.
Streamlining Our Kids’ Stuff
With our eyes turned to mom-centric organization, we can’t let a day go by without saying something about organizing our children’s “stuff”. From double strollers to sports equipment, dealing with our children’s “stuff” is something we have to face.
Stuff-Control 101
After dealing with the accumulation of way too much stuff during a recent move, Saren figured out some rules of thumb to keep stuff from taking over again in her new house. She also tried a “stuff fast” which resulted in some great side effects. . .
Messes Are Memories in the Making
Does this season have you wondering if you’ll ever get organized or ever get it all done? Author Meg Magnusson reminds us that many memories are made in the messes of motherhood.
Homework and School Project Ideas
Homework time is upon us again! Chantol Sego has some excellent ideas to keep your kids on task: a “homework board,” a “homework box,” and project planning template you can download!
Power of Moms Pick: Why I Took My Kids’ Toys Away (and Why They Won’t Get Them Back)
Spoiler alert: Ruth’s daughters DO have toys. They just don’t have very many, and they are stowed away so they play with only a few at a time. What led her to make such a drastic change? What were the results?
A Seven-Step Plan to Organize the House
If you’re looking for a step-by-step plan to simplify your home and create an environment where your family can thrive, this post and free download will do the trick!
What NOT To Do this Holiday Season
Allyson offers great ideas to help you avoid over-scheduling, overeating, and overspending this holiday season.
Cleaning with Kids
Watch as Aubrey Degn uses some creativity and a lot of fun while teaching her children to empty the dishwasher and put away their toys.