There are nine minutes in the day that can have the most impact on a child. Author Amy Makechnie has a sure way to make the most of them.
Posts in the "Top Posts" category:
Joy or “Just Wait”?
As I wait at Target, I notice a young couple with a newborn in line behind me. Another lady in line asks. “Is this your first?” They nod proudly. ”Just wait…” she snorts, and then follows with a comment about unruly teenagers. We seem to live in a country overrun by a great lot of negative naysayers when it comes to parenting.
Your Children Want YOU!
There’s this crazy phenomenon going on right now. Good, devoted mothers get on Pinterest . . . .and blogs . . .. and Facebook . . . .and Twitter . . . and they’re convinced they’re not enough. Here’s what I’ve discovered.
Mommy’s Quiet Time 101
Would you like to have at least an hour of quiet time every single day? (Even if your children have stopped napping?) This post is FULL of ideas to get you started.