Make an effort to reach out to another mother in your school or neighborhood tomorrow. Try to be a little more neighborly. Open yourself up to the idea of making a new friend. Build strong social and emotional supports among mothers within our living, breathing communities. Because mothers with caring and connected friendships make better moms in general for our children.
Posts in the "Love" category:
To Moms with Brave Faces
More often than not, the people around us, those we love and those we don’t love yet, are wearing brave faces. It’s likely that you’re doing the same in at least one aspect of your life right now.
Seven Ways to Keep the Love Alive in Your Marriage
Creating a marriage that leaves you feeling twitterpated at the end of each day doesn’t happen automatically–especially when you have children, but here are seven ideas that have helped me to savor the opportunity I have to live with my Prince Charming!
How to Tell a Teenager, “I Love You”
For a teenager, its just not “cool” to ask mommy for a hug when you’re sad, or to demand attention for a job well done by incessantly chanting, “look, look, look mommy, look!” (Which works, right?) So, how do we show teenagers love in a way they can receive?
Our Holiday Planning Workshop is Happening Now!
Come join us in our free workshop, co-sponsored with LearnDoBecome, to help you get ready for the holidays without the stress!
How to Tell a Child, “I Love You”
Like adults, children crave love and attention, especially from their mothers–their first “true love.” Creating “I Love You” rituals in the home is probably one of the simplest things you can do as a mother to yield big results. Here are some fun ways to get you started!
Calling Down the Power of Heaven—How Mothers Can Enable Miracles [Season 2, Episode 12]
April’s sister, Laura, shares a special experience she had with their mom when she was taking the CPA exam. April and Laura’s mom demonstrated how we, as mothers, can call on the powers of heaven to help our children in times of need.
“Three Ways to Help Our Children Not to Be Afraid” with Sarah Boyd [Season 2, Episode 11]
Do you have a child who sometimes feels anxious or afraid? Join April and Sarah Boyd as they discuss practical tools we can use to help our children learn to be brave—even when they feel scared.
Laughter, Tears, and the Power of Telling Our Stories – Episode 213
How can we as mothers bring healthy and positive emotions into our parenting–and get our kids to laugh more? Kate and April share ideas on how we can make space for our children’s emotions (and ours, as well!).
A Tribute to a Deliberate Mother: In Memory of Marianne Anderson
Here at Power of Moms we talk a lot about what it means to be a deliberate mother, and we know that each of you come to this site searching for hope, ideas, and resources that will help you to become the mother you want to be. Today we have a special message for you about […]
Practical Ways to Love Our Families (and Ourselves) – Episode 196
Today’s podcast is a flashback 6 years ago to one of our original podcasts at Power of Moms: We all know that love is an important ingredient in any family, but how do you show love to yourself and your family members amidst all the thousands of things there are to do each day? Here’s […]
Picture Story: Nothing Left to Do but Love
Our bumpy morning was a simple reminder to me that when my kids are having a tough moment and I find myself guessing what I should do next, it never hurts to take a step back, regroup, reach into my heart, and dish out some extra unconditional love.
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