Emergencies strike all around us: we don’t have the special blankie on hand, or–catastrophe!–there is a hole in the tights just before the dance performance begins! Enjoy a good laugh as this delightful article shares some wonderful ideas on how to save the day.
Posts in the "Being Your Own Kind of Perfect" category:
“If You Were Thinner, You’d Be Enough”
So much pressure exists for kids to be perfect at everything. My experience with an eating disorder has made me certain that our kids need to hear this instead: Do your best, be kind, give back, make healthy choices, embrace what makes you different. You are powerful. You make a difference. You are enough.
Why I Do (and Don’t) Believe in Deliberate Parenting
I think parenting is the single greatest endeavor I will ever embark upon, and because of that, I think it deserves my very best, most deliberate behavior. However, I no longer believe that what I do is the only thing that matters.
“Good Mom” Redefined (with video!)
If you are one of those moms who feels more than a little discouraged by all the ways you seemingly fall short, I’d like to invite you to spend a few minutes challenging your preconceived notions, casting off unrealistic ideals, and redefining what it means to be a good mom based on your own personal strengths and circumstances.
I Want To Be Fabulously Ordinary
By the proverbial standards of the world, it’s easy to classify the majority of mothers, by virtue of what we do, day in and day out, as ordinary. But make sure you don’t forget to use the word ‘fabulous’ in front of that description.
Three Simple Steps to Accepting Imperfection
Sometimes we get a little too obsessed with perfection. Perfect children, perfect dinner, perfect schedule, and (of course) a perfectly clean and organized home. Then we look at reality! Here’s my new definition of perfection.
Your Influence Matters
Whether you’re enjoying the beautiful moments of the holidays or wading deep in the “hard,” we invite you to let the power and hope of this season reach all the way to your heart–and help you to see how much your influence matters.
Introduction to The Power of Optimisim
When I’m not feeling my best, the last thing I want to hear is that I should “look on the bright side”. It’s normal to feel down about life sometimes. But, just because we’re down, doesn’t mean we can’t learn through the Power of Optimism.
Is Your Child a Success?
Farnoosh Shahrokhshahi’s reaction to the passing grade his son, Aria, earned in math put them both on the Today Show. After seeing this father’s reaction (and the effect it had on his son), Allyson realized again how important it is to understand there are varying definitions of “success”, and to celebrate those successes like crazy.
Facing My Biggest Fear
Do you ever feel that your skill set as a mother is not enough to meet the daily challenges that arise? Author Tiffany Hancock shares a personal glimpse into her earliest mothering moments and the fear and inadequacy she felt at that time–as well as how she overcame that fear and moved forward with faith.
The End Is Imperfection
A while ago, my teenager gave me my own “velveteen rabbit experience.” He made some poor decisions and did something that was very bad. My initial reaction, after coming out of a state of shock, was to wonder what exactly I had done wrong. Ultimately I learned some pretty important lessons about parenting.
Center Stage
My credentials are far from extraordinary. I don’t anticipate ever seeing my name in lights and I will never be cast in a Broadway play. However, in the course of my life, there will be many things that I will be famous for. And my legacy will live on in the lives of my children.