The fact of the matter is, you won’t get it all done. You will triage every evening. Some evenings you will choose dishes and laundry. Others you will choose your children. You will find how to make it work. Just remember to be kind to yourself–that you are good enough!
Posts in the "Question of the Week" category:
Question of the Week: Discipline Dilemma
What do you do when you and your spouse disagree on how to handle discipline in your home?
Question of the Week: Selfie-Centered Kids
In our society, everything is so push-button, immediate gratification, and end-result oriented. How do you teach your children to be less self-centered and more outward focused?
Question of the Week: How Do We Teach Our Children How to Interact With Children with Special Needs?
We all want our children to be accepted and liked by other children. No one wants their child to be the one everyone stares at, whispers about, ignores, or even laughs at. I believe we also all want our children to know how to treat that child who is different.
They Want More Than I Can Give: Question of the Week
Do you ever feel like your children need more than you have the energy to give? Please help us support this mom who submitted this week’s question. I have a disability that causes me to be in an extreme amount of pain when I walk, sit, or stand for more than a few minutes. […]
When Things Feel Out of Control: Question of the Week
We need your help offering advice to a mother who is struggling. Please read her message–and then let us know what you would say if this were YOUR daughter someday.
Question of the Week: What To Do with an Angry Preschooler
One of our readers is struggling with her young son, who has been angry and hard to control. Do you have any experiences to share on how to effectively deal with an angry preschooler?
Is it Ever Too Late to Become a Great Mom?
What would you say to a mother who is wondering if it’s too late for her to have a positive impact on her children?
How can we best manage social media and technology in our homes?
Here at The Power of Moms, we’ve receive numerous questions about how to manage social media and technology in our lives and in the lives of our children. When should kids be able to have a Facebook page or a cell phone? How should we decide what TV shows our kids can watch? Wonderful answers […]
How Do You Handle Frustration?
We’ve ALL been there. Frustrated to our wit’s end, sometimes we marvel at how expertly our children push us to the breaking point, as though that is their only object in mind. Other times we remember: they are just kids. We would not expect the priorities and agendas of young (or not so young) children […]
Can our kids learn to love each other?
Happy Valentine’s Day! Focusing on love and friendship is a great way to start out any week. The past couple of days, as I’ve watched my children work away at their Valentines, my thoughts have turned to that special brand of love and friendship developed between children, especially siblings. We all know that sometimes kids […]
Can you feel the love?
We’ve all heard about the idea of “Love Languages” and how personal styles of communicating love can determine the way we perceive and receive expressions of love from those around us. And as useful as it can be to understand all that, sometimes it is helpful as moms to just recognize the things our husband […]