2012 was a year of amazing growth for Power of Moms – as well as a whole lot of growth for its founders. In this podcast, April and Saren reflect on favorite experiences and lessons learned in 2012 while sharing thoughts on how to make 2013 a year of really living our priorities.
Posts in the "Podcast Archive" category:
Having “The Talk” – Episode 43
If you’ve ever felt uncomfortable about having “the talk” with your children–you’ll love this podcast where April Perry and her 12-year-old daughter, Alia, discuss basic principles for having healthy, positive conversations about intimacy.
Managing Time from the Inside Out – Episode 42
Based on ideas from the book, “Time Management from the Inside Out,” Adina Soclof (from Parenting Simply) joins Power of Moms Co-Founder April Perry to discuss powerful ways mothers can become more productive and purposeful in the way they use their time.
Perspectives on Balance- Episode 38
What does balance really mean? In this one-hour podcast, Saren Loosli and Chrysula Winegar discuss how examining your priorities will help you find balance.
Getting Excited About Goals- Episode 37
Sometimes I (April) struggle to help my children set and achieve goals. I want them to be excited about life, and I want them to progress within their areas of interest, but the whole process can feel a bit overwhelming. So I teamed up with DeAnne Flynn, an inspiring mother of seven children (ages 8-22), […]
Solutions to Moms’ Body Issues – Episode 36
Ever wondered how to appreciate your body (in spite of all its “imperfections”), while also making time to give yourself the nutrition and exercise you need? You’ll love this podcast with Dawn Wessman and April Perry.
Ever Had a Day that Felt Like a Circus? – Episode 35
We’ve all had those days, haven’t we? The groceries got left in the car, the sock got stuck in the vacuum . . .. And you think what else could possibly happen today?!” Join Kristine Jones and April Perry as they discuss ways to manage all those crazy moments.
Becoming REALLY Rockin’ Mums
Come join April Perry in a fun and meaningful discussion with Sarah Osmotherly–where we discuss why we need social time with other mothers, what we loved about our experience at the Retreat, and what we can do to become really rockin’ mums.
Discovering Your Passions – Episode 32
Do you have a passion that inspires you to get out of bed in the morning? Join us for our first international podcast, featuring Saren, April, and four powerful mums from Australia.
Patience with Teenagers – Episode 31
California Mother of the Year 2012, Beverly Nelson, mothered 11 teenagers. She calls them “baby adults” and in this podcast, she and Caryn Payzant discuss the tactics she used to maintain patience and instill values in her teenagers.
Love is the Answer – Episode 28
Isn’t love the most important element of discipline and conflict resolution? This 20-minute podcast offers lots of stories and methods for making love the key ingredient in our discipline strategies with our children and our resolution of issues with our spouses and friends.
I Love You Rituals – Episode 27
Donna West is affectionately known as “Gaming Grandma”; her most prominent “I love you ritual” is playing games with her children and grandchildren. Listen to this podcast about the benefits of this important ritual.