This article was originally published on June 14, 2010. Submitted by Leslie Harkness: When Aaron and I were married in August 2002, our hopes and dreams of starting a family felt so close and we started trying to have a baby right away. After a few disappointing years, loads of tests and surgery… in March […]
Posts in the "Picture Stories" category:
My Home Is A Workshop
In this photo-filled post, Amanda Hamilton Roos transports us from Einstein’s desk to the workshop of our own homes.
Picture Story: Dandelions
In viewing myself as a dandelion, I was able to understand my own position as a mother and the choices that I am able to make.
Picture Story: The Money Grab
Tiffany and her husband needed a way to motivate their five children to complete their daily tasks. Merv Griffin has nothing on the game they invented!
Picture Story: Rose Petals
Each of our children’s seasons come with challenges. We are often looking forward to the next phase of life and milestones reached. How do we as mothers step back and savor the quiet moments? Author Kristi Linton reminds us to create special memories with our children before they are gone.
Picture Story: God Dealt Me a Great Hand
When Sarah Hull learned that her first baby would be born with Spina Bifida, her doctor cautioned her, “God did not deal you a good hand.” Sarah and her family have been put in a world that not all get to experience, a world where patience is tested, where miracles are witnessed, and strength is gained. Through it all, she’s realized God dealt her a GREAT hand.
Picture Story: Learning the ABC’s of Motherhood
After becoming a mother for the sixth time, I realized that just as I am patient with a child sounding out an unfamiliar word, I need my children to be patient with me as I try to slowly sound out how life should flow with six small children.
Picture Story: Our Journey with TSC
My husband and I were so excited when our first child was born. I would dream about what his first words would be, when he would start walking, what his favorite sport would be…I did not expect that at three months old, he would start having seizures and would be diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC).
Picture Story: Leaving His Legacy
While I don’t share any of his DNA, I’m forever indebted to the man who moved forward into the unknown, but stopped for a minute to teach me that life is short, joy is intentional, and it’s never too late for a quick game of hide-and-seek.
Picture Story: What I Accomplished Today
Even though I had a long to-do list, I realized that rocking and singing to my son is the most important thing I accomplished today.
Picture Story: OCD Remedy = Beets
Are you the mother who follows your child around with the wet wipes? Do you find yourself a little OCD with the messes? Author Denhi Chaney shares her experience of defining patience.
Picture Story: He Just Wants Me
All too often I try to occupy my son with toys and movies so that I can get my chores done. But even if he had all the toys in the world, he still would not be completely happy.