There are plenty of logical reasons why motherhood should be synonymous with “insanity.” But one secret I’ve learned over the years is that the beautiful, magnificent privilege of motherhood simply defies logic.
Posts in the "Meaning of Motherhood" category:
Purse Compartments and Sorting Socks (What Little Things Bring Us Together?)
Can you think of something that seems totally inconsequential or unsophisticated, but it brings you physically and emotionally closer to the ones you love?
What do you focus on?
What do you see in this photo? The beautiful flowers in the sun? Or the messy papers and dirty windows? As we look at our lives as mothers, we can CHOOSE which parts to focus on. And happiness comes from focusing on the beauty we can always find.
Love Steady [Musical Submission ]
Ready to hear our very FIRST musical submission to Power of Moms? A great reminder for every mom–that we don’t have to be “everything” all at once.
Top Ten Favorite and Least-Favorite Things About Motherhood
Motherhood offers so many wonderful things right alongside so many hard things. Every so often, it’s nice to step back and create a “snapshot” of what we love about motherhood and what is really challenging for us.
How Your Family Can Change the World- Episode 76
In this 30-minute episode, Saren interviews her father, New York Times #1 Bestselling Author Richard Eyre, about his latest book, The Turning: Why The State of the Family Matters and What the World Can Do About It Some of the main points addressed in this interview: There are many outside forces undermining strong families in […]
A Few Good Moms
My kids don’t think I’m fun. But somebody has to do the tough stuff that makes the fun stuff possible! I’ve created a modified version of Jack Nickolson’s infamous speech from “A Few Good Men” to help explain my predicament.
What a Hard Hike Taught Me About Motherhood
This past fifteen years as a mom has sure taught me a lot about letting go, about getting over things, about fixing and moving on, about trial and error, and about finding beauty in the midst of hard stuff. A recent hike with my kids helped me realize all this more deeply.
Motherhood IS About You – Episode 75
Motherhood is about helping our children become the people they want and need to be. Yes. But motherhood is also about helping OURSELVES become the people we want and need to be.
There’s No Place Like Home
After getting back from a conference, April realized that while it’s great to get away for a while, nothing compares to the love a mommy gets in her own home. It can be hard to be needed all the time by our families. But it’s also really wonderful to be needed!
There’s No Place Like Home
I’m all for moms having the opportunity to excel in areas outside the home, but this experience taught me that I am valued the most by the ones who call me Mom.
Spiritual Sundays: Climbing Mother
Motherhood reveals a person inside you didn’t know was there. One that scares you some days. But mostly, one that is stronger, steadier, more compassionate. One that knows sacrifice. One that knows real needs. One that knows a love impossible to describe.