It seems silly that I have to think of this occasionally, but, yes, in addition to all the hats we wear at this party called parenthood, Mommy is a person.
Posts in the "Individuality" category:
Tying Knots with a “Problem Child”
Do you ever have a day when the best laid intentions are thwarted? Take a journey with author Karin Brown in her essay, Tying Knots, as she teaches us how “knot” to get “tied up” in the situation, strengthen relationships and look at the bigger picture.
Your Children Want YOU!
There’s this crazy phenomenon going on right now. Good, devoted mothers get on Pinterest . . . .and blogs . . .. and Facebook . . . .and Twitter . . . and they’re convinced they’re not enough. Here’s what I’ve discovered.
Seize the Moments
Do you find that at the end of the day you are overwhelmed and wondering, “What happened today? Where did the time go?” Take a journey with author, Jessica Carney, as she reevaluates the popular phrase “Seize the Day” and capturing mommy moments.
Spiritual Sundays: Be Really Good at Being You
Why am I always noticing what other mom’s look like? Do you ever envy the “supermom” next door? Well, it is time to stop! You are amazing. You are the only you that will ever be, and YOU are here to find out why!
Moms or Mums: The Needs are the Same
Whether you’re a mom, a mum, or a mama, motherhood brings so many of the same challenges and joys. And as you share those challenges and joys with other mothers, there’s a beautiful sisterhood and lots of great learning involved.
The Perfect Mom
This is for my own “perfect” mom. Happy Mother’s Day! Over the years I have talked to more than one mom who does not like Mother’s Day. Why? Usually it has something to do with feeling she doesn’t match up to the accolades; that she somehow falls short. Maybe her kids are struggling a bit […]
Mission A-Compliment
One day my mom was in a fast food drive-through, and she saw a sign that read, “Compliments served upon request.” She thought, “Well, how lovely is that? I would certainly like a compliment. How nice of them!” However, as she got a little closer, she realized the sign actually said, “Condiments served upon request.” She […]
Will YOU Dare to Dream? – Episode 8
Today I had the privilege of podcasting with Whitney Johnson, a talented mother of two and the inspiration behind the blog, “Dare to Dream.” I feel so inspired from the experience, and I’m excited to share our conversation. Do you feel like nurturing your talents is nearly impossible if you’re simultaneously trying to be a […]
Center Stage
Lately I find myself reading a lot of articles about successful women. I won’t lie. I envy those women. They are women recognized for their brilliance, talent, ingenuity, drive, and charisma, along with many other enviable qualities. Women do amazing things. Women earn gold medals. Women head corporations with billions of dollars in revenue. Women […]
Parenting in the Age of Fear
Recently, one of my best friends was out biking in a very safe neighborhood with her husband and two children. Suddenly, her nine-year-old son disappeared. Her first thought was that he’d been abducted. Panic! Then, she tried to calm down by reasoning that because his aunt lives in the neighborhood, it was more likely he […]
A Deeper Diversity
Following up on one of my previous posts, I’ve been thinking more specifically about my own question: What are the most important attributes of a mother? This month at The Power of Moms we’re focusing on The Power of Individuality, and it’s got me thinking about some of the fantastic mothers I’ve know in my life. Specifically, how […]