Being organized in the housecleaning arena is a must for me. I get bothered seeing a messy spot in my house. However, if I know I’ll get to that messy spot on its assigned day it doesn’t bother me as much. So, I came up with a weekly cleaning schedule.
Posts in the "Housework" category:
Gauging Progression, Teens Are Capable & Parenting Special Needs- Audio Posts [Season 3, Episode 6]
Here are three powerful posts from members of our Power of Moms community–sure to leave you feeling uplifted, confident, and ready to make some important improvements to your current family life!
10 Good Reasons to Stop the House Shaming (With Video!)
Allyson was going to write an article about the chore chart that saved her sanity. But the truth is, the her house is a mess right now. Which led her to decide she’s done with the house shaming. You’ve heard of body shaming? Well, she’s coining the phrase “House Shaming”.
What’s the Point of Housework?
There’s a common misconception that housework is terrible, mundane drudgery that needs to be accomplished as quickly as possible (or avoided at all costs) so we can move on to the “more important” things in life. I don’t love scrubbing bathtubs or mopping floors, necessarily, but here are a few experiences from my life that have helped me to see the meaning, joy, and purpose in the work required to sustain a family.
Cleaning with the WHOLE Family – Episode 230
Are you ready for all hands on deck so you aren’t cleaning your house all alone? April and Saren share some of their best tips to get the whole family cleaning in this special Power of Moms Radio and Power of Families episode.
How to Declutter the Whole House in a Month – Episode 223
Have you ever wanted to get the whole house clean in just one month? Whether this is a project you’re interested in doing now–or at some time in the future, I (April) thought you might like to come behind the scenes with me and my daughter Alia as we cleaned up every room in preparation […]
What I’ve Learned from Making 10,000 Meals for My Family
Have you heard the theory you need at least 10,000 hours of practice to become really good at something? Well I’ve made 10,000 meals for my family, and I’ve learned a thing or two.
Who Wants to Live on Stinky Shoe Lane?
Pleasant names can make just about anything more pleasant. These are my suggestions for giving more uplifting descriptions to the responsibilities associated with raising children.
Why I Go to Bed with Dirty Dishes in the Sink – Episode 109 [Audio Post]
Ever feel like you simply need a break? Do you feel guilty if you sit down to rest at night…especially if there are still dishes in the sink? This wise post by Pricilla Dickinson has really resonated with our Power of Moms community, and April and Saren are excited to talk about it…and share some of their own stories.
Book Summary: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Are you looking to finally de-clutter your house? This book really is what it claims in the title: life changing. It’s an easy-to-read way that guides readers to systematically de-clutter their homes, and, in the process, their lives.
Purse Compartments and Sorting Socks (What Little Things Bring Us Together?)
Can you think of something that seems totally inconsequential or unsophisticated, but it brings you physically and emotionally closer to the ones you love?
What I Learned from Mandatory Bed Rest (not the pregnancy kind)
Knee surgery forced Alllyson Reynolds to spend an extended time on bed rest. Amazingly, her family survived! And she gained three valuable insights about her family, her time, and her heart.