With Spring right around the corner, I knew I needed some ideas for how to have fun in the outdoors. This book is just what I needed to help incorporate the outside world into our day–it is easy to read, has lots of great ideas for every season, and perfect for families with children of all ages.
Posts in the "Fun" category:
Growing Bookworms
My children all love books. I suspect some of that might be genetic—both my husband and I are avid readers—but I’ve worked hard to cultivate their love for literature. April asked me to share my insights; here are the five strategies I recommend.
Favorite Children’s Books
Author and mother of five Catherine Arveseth reviews her favorite children’s books from 2012.
A Brand New Life
I was facing a particularly stressful day. I realized I had faced too many morning like this lately, and so I decided this time, things would end differently. Today was going to the start of a brand new me.
Little Boy Energy
Is your house ever full of crazy little people running around? Does the noise level ever escalade above “comfortable?” Do you ever send your kids outside to play, just to get some peace and quiet? “Little Boy Energy” is full of great ideas for helping your little crazies focus their energy!
I’ll Be the Rotten Egg
A couple of years ago, my children started saying, “Last one up is a rotten egg!” as they headed up the stairs to get ready for bed. I’ve never liked name-calling of any sort, so I suggested they change it to, “Last one up is a beautiful flower,” but that didn’t catch on. But, here’s a little story of what DID happen.
Follow Lalo
As parents, we are often expected to be the “leader.” But what would happen if we followed the lead of our child for a day? What would we learn? What treasures would we find? What truths would we discover? And what fun would be ours?
Perfectionism: The Ultimate Fun Killer
How often do you prepare a “fun” activity and get upset when it doesn’t turn out exactly as you had planned? How many moments of fun do you fail to enjoy because you are trying to keep your house clean? If these scenarios sound familiar you are not alone.
Moms Are Fun Too!
Do you ever feel like your kids don’t see you as the “fun” parent? Terri-Ann Gawthroupe did, so she planned a 10-mother, 47-children campout. NO DADS ALLOWED!
Get in the Picture (and receive a prize!)
Is it important to be in photos with our kids? Isn’t it important to capture our motherhood as well as our children’s childhood? Check out the great insights in this article and join our “Get in the Picture” Challenge!
Kid’s Day
Step into their world. See it through their eyes. Leave your “to-do” list behind. Author Danielle Taylor Porter declares “Kids’ Day” a family holiday.
The Meaning of “Home”
What does “home” mean to you? Beauty and peace and harmony – that’s home (in a good moment like this one).