In today’s podcast, Crystal Paine will tell you about an opportunity that we, as a Power of Moms’ community, have to help strengthen families and children in South Africa!
Posts in the "Connecting with Others" category:
What A Trip To Africa Taught Me About Motherhood
In this powerful post, Rachel Nielson introduces us to a hero-mother that she met in South Africa and explains an exciting fundraiser we are hosting this week at Power of Moms.
A New Tradition for Family Gatherings and Holidays: FRED Talks!
Do you ever feel like your family gatherings need some new traditions? Would you like to spark more learning, conversation, laughter, and connection when you get together with the people you love most?
Let me introduce you to FRED talks…
The Best Way to Support Your Child in School
Research shows that establishing a personal relationship with your child’s teacher is the single most important thing you can do to help your child do well in school. But how does a mom establish such a relationship?
Book Summary: Mothers of the Village
Most of us experience difficult circumstances at one time or another in our lives, and our need for support can be literally like needing air to breathe. But even in good circumstances, we still need others! This book teaches us that needing others is not shameful, but wise.
Speak His Love Language this Father’s Day
Ready for Father’s Day? Check out this post full of simple and meaningful ideas for working with your children to make Father’s Day wonderful.
Unexpected Leadership – Sarah Griggs & April Perry – Episode 145
Whether the number of people who “officially” look to us is big or small, our influence always reaches farther than we think.
Power of Moms Pick: Five Words That People in Your Life Need to Hear
If someone you love is struggling and you need to encourage them quickly–powerfully–what do you say? If you could choose only five words to deliver in that moment of need, what would they be? Christy Wright, a speaker, business coach, writer, and mother, has the answer.
3 Tools for Moms of Little Kids – Episode 99
In this episode, Saren (mother of five children ages 10-15) talks with Janelle (mother of 5 children ages 1-7) share three concrete (and totally do-able!) coping strategies for dealing with the hard stuff that comes with having small children who are close in age.
Craziness and Kindness – Episode 96
Join Saren and her friend Janelle for some good laughs as they share some of their craziest motherhood moments – and maybe a tear or two as they share some tender experiences with the kindness that can be on the flip side of the craziness.
Looking for a New Year’s Resolution? Blabber to Babies More
My mother-in-law is the chattiest grandma you have ever met. I’m not really a “baby person” so I don’t naturally start chatting away at them. But I wondered if she was on to something. According to a the most recent issue of the New Yorker, apparently she was.
Redefining “Cool” and “Popular” for our Kids
What mother wouldn’t want her child to be cool and popular? Well, according to a recent study, being part of the “cool” crowd in middle school might not be all it’s cracked up to be by the time those same kids hit their 20’s.