I was recently with a group of my trusted friends when I sheepishly admitted that I don’t like playing with my kids. Fortunately, they had lots of good ideas of ways to make play more natural and enjoyable for me as a mother.
Posts in the "Being Your Own Kind of Perfect" category:
We Must Carry Our Own Light
When I found myself running alone on a dark road without a headlamp, I realized the importance of having my own light—not only in running, but also in my everyday life.
How to Run Away – Episode 153
Motherhood can sure be overwhelming. The urge to run away is something we all experience at times! In this episode, April and Saren share ideas to help you “run away” regularly through simple and regular breaks – be they 10 minutes long or overnight.
Good “Mom”ents: Finding Appreciation and Positivity in Motherhood
I needed to take control of my negative thoughts and find a way to appreciate myself as a mother, so I found four ways to focus more on the good “mom”ents than the bad.
No Leprechauns, No Valentine’s Boxes, No Elves, and Why That is Okay
I want to live in a community where women can showcase their strengths and pursue their talents– at home and in the workforce–without the fear of being or looking “too good.” When women excel, at anything, it is good for all of us.
Life Doesn’t Get Easier – It Just Gets Different
I used to have more mom-related demands in some areas (diaper changing, mess-clean-up, bathing and feeding kids) and a lot less in others (driving to activities, helping with homework, dealing with moods, emotions, and friend drama). As my mom always says, life doesn’t get easier – it just gets different.
Listening To and Loving your Body through Intuitive Eating – Episode 147
As an overwhelmed new mom, Rachel Nielson finally acknowledged that she had an eating disorder. As part of her counseling, Rachel learned about a mindset called “intuitive eating” which taught her how to trust, respect, and listen to her body. Listen in as April and Rachel discuss what she learned.
Why Patience is Essential to Raise Special Needs Children
Raising special needs children is a process, a commitment. You will not see amazing things happen right away. For children with disabilities, the end is indefinite, undetermined. It is always challenging, but it’s a challenge that has helped me discover my patience and my strength.
My “Supermom” Cape Was Making Us Miserable
For five years I have been on a journey to discover how to balance my life, so I can feel more love, peace, and happiness with my family. Thankfully, I buried my “Supermom” cape long ago. I am enough, and so are you!
Book Summary: Daring Greatly
In Daring Greatly, author Brené Brown goes to the heart of what many of us think, but never talk about—the hidden shame we feel about ourselves in various aspects of our lives and the reluctance to be vulnerable about sensitive topics.
4 Ways Single Parenting Can Be Amazing
What doesn’t get talked about much are the ways that single parenting is absolutely amazing. Which is a shame, because even though it’s hard, I know I have had some very special experiences that were only possible because I’m a single parent.
Shaping Our Stories
We tell ourselves stories about our lives and our children, but we can and need to tell ourselves the best part of our stories.
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