Today’s podcast was recorded with my sister Laura as we were sitting on the grass outside of a conference. Laura had shared a beautiful experience with our mom that happened about 20 years ago, and I just KNEW I needed to share it with you.
It’s a simple story, but we hope that as you listen, you will come to more fully understand that there is power from above that is available for us and for our families.
1:01 – April and Laura’s mom, Zoe, always wanted to please God and serve her family. She never sought recognition from others.
1:21 – Twenty years ago, Laura was studying for the CPA exam. When Laura went to take the exam, she realized she had done one of the problems wrong. The clock read 4:45 p.m. and she had fifteen minutes left to finish the exam. She quickly redid her problem and felt she would finally pass the exam after a few failed attempts.
5:42 – When Laura returned home, her mom quickly exited the house. It was obvious she had been waiting for Laura’s arrival. Zoe asked Laura how things went and wanted to know all about it “from beginning to end.” She then asked, “Did anything happen at the end of the exam?” Laura told her that yes, she had realized a mistake and had just enough time to rework a problem. Laura’s mom then told her that she had been fasting and praying for her all day so that she could enlist heaven’s help. She said that at about a quarter to five, she knelt down and prayed that God would let Laura know if she got anything wrong and that she would have time to correct it.
6:56 – Laura knows that her mom’s faith helped her to pass the CPA exam. She now has a job that is perfect for her and requires a CPA license.
7:38 – Zoe knew the Lord had not only heard, but had answered her prayer. This helped Laura to know that Heavenly Father really does answer prayers.
8:42 – Laura’s mother was completely focused on her child the whole day. Wherever we are or our background, our children will have something big going on. There are big experiences in every child’s life and sometimes they are even approaching failure. As a parent, we can be there 100% and be focused on what is important to our children.
10:02 – Sometimes when we see our children facing challenges we feel powerless. We try to be supportive, but feel that we can’t affect the outcome. What we can learn from Laura and Zoe’s experience is that Zoe found a way to affect the outcome. She was drawing on the powers of heaven. They are available to us as parents.
11:14 – We get to be part of the process of supporting our children with our whole heart. That is the kind of love that will impact a child.
11:58 – Laura said she struggled for years and years to try to pass the CPA exam and she knows her mom recognized how hard it was for her. She couldn’t have achieved it without the help from God and from her mom.
13:00 – Whenever April had a big test or speech, April’s mom always asked what time her test was. Her mom would put it on her calendar and at that time she would pray for her. April puts an alert on her phone so she can remember to pray for her children when they have tests or big events.
14:24 – “Will your heart be with me?” Our children can know that as they face their own challenges our hearts will be with them. It is a privilege to be the person that supports someone else with that amount of love.
15:25 – We get distracted by how many followers we have on social media, or what the scale says, or how much money we’ve made. We use external numbers as a measure of our worth. April and Laura’s mom’s priority was not those numbers; it was her children.
16:18 – The needs of our children, our relationships, and our experiences are all different. Think about the needs of your children and look for an opportunity when you can join your heart with theirs and take the initiative to draw upon the powers of heaven for your child. It can bring a powerful dimension to the important work you are doing as a mother.
Music from Creations by Michael R. Hicks
Audio editing by Christy Elder
Nancy says
Hi April and Laura,
Thank you for sharing this truly amazing real life story of faith. We need more of these! God is always wanting to act in our lives if only we ask. I have a story which happened about a year ago. My daughter, then age 13, was having a very hard time preparing for her piano recital and I was very concerned because she really didn’t seem ready and I feared she would just freeze during the recital. I prayed and asked my mother to pray for her that the Holy Spirit would see her through. I had not heard her play through the piece without errors (or long pauses) but the day of the recital She played flawlessly! It is humbling to recognize the power of heaven. I also always pray for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Because of her own motherhood, I know she completely understands and has a heart so full of love for us.
Your mother Zoe was so wise
and her great gift of faith has had a impact on me tonight!
I needed this! God is sooo good.
April Perry says
This means so much to us. Thank you, Nancy! I love that you were there to help support your daughter during her recital. I truly believe that there is power and strength in being a deliberate mother, and you are such an example of that! xoxo
Bron says
Beautiful. Thank you.
Lynn says
Thank you so much for encouraging moms. I am a grandmother living with my daughters family. I homeschool 3 grandchildren and provide care for the 1 yr old. Even with both parents working, it’s tough to make ends meet. But I praise God for the opportunity to be a part of their lives and hope they will have many wonderful stories to share.
May says
I just listened to this episode. Thank you so much for sharing such a powerful experience. How awesome is to remember that as mothers we are partners with God for the blessing of our children. Living in these times can easily allure us to forget that and lose our priorities and focus. Your mom is amazing, what a legacy she left to you and I am so grateful you are passing it on.
The Power of Moms is truly the Power of God.
April Perry says
So glad it was helpful to you, May! These are the kinds of ideas that help me as a mother, and it means so much to have a community to learn and grow alongside each other!
Catie Vineyard says
Thank you for this beautiful post. Earlier last week I was in a weird spot with God regarding our life in general, my work as a mother and wife, just a weird funk we get in sometimes. I knew God was there and I was doing the things you’re “supposed to do” so you can feel Him and be close to Him, but it just wasn’t there. I came across this episode during some random alone time I had and knew without a doubt that it was God’s way of reminding me of my potential power as a mother and that He did in fact know me and my heart. It was not a coincidence. Thank you for being an instrument in His hands.
April Perry says
This made my day to read this! Thank you, Catie! I forwarded the comment to my sister Laura, as well. I TOTALLY understand being in a “weird spot” sometimes, and I am so happy that this podcast was able to lift you. There is SO much good to be done in our families, and while the work is often mundane and unappreciated, there is a beautiful power available that keeps us going. Your work matters. xoxo