Title: The Miracle Morning: The Not-So Obvious Secret Guaranteed To Transform Your Life (Before 8 am)
Author: Hal Elrod
Basic Overview:
This book is about finding the time to make the best out of your life and to live to your true potential. The author has an amazing personal story that he shares in the first few chapters that led him to developing the concept of “The Miracle Morning” (TMM). He explains how most people have settled on living a life of mediocrity and never reaching their true potential. He continues to state that it all starts with how you wake up in the morning and that there are six simple steps you can take each day to enable you to create success in EVERY area of your life. The six powerful practice steps, each discussed in a separate chapter, are called Life S.A.V.E.R.S:
The parts I like best:
TMM is customized designed for each individual, and the author debunks the notion that you are “just not a morning person.” The steps can be completed in as little as 6 minutes to over an hour depending on your desire. Focusing on each of these areas every morning (before anyway else is awake) allows you the time to truly design, focus and achieve your goals because nothing is there to distract you.
How this book made an impact in my life, especially as a mother:
My husband introduced me to TMM a few months ago. I had been getting up early before I even heard about TMM. I am a stay-at-home mom and have quickly learned that morning time is the only time I actually have to myself. For years I would try to get things done at night and would end up too tired or too frustrated to get anything completed. What I love about TMM is it touches upon every area of your life that you can improve upon. My husband and I each have our own MM and we share with each other what we learn each day. We feel inspired and empowered and renewed with a new sense of self. My husband bought a copy for all his employees and I got one for my brother who is now a fan. TMM is the game changer of self improvement. I’ve read and listen to so many self help books/audios that eventually faded from my life shortly after I read or heard them. I can honestly say this has changed my life. Since my MM I am now a Leslie Sansone Walk Leader (worked on this every morning) and I now teach a class at my church with big dreams of doing more in the future. I had been wanting to do this for eight years and now I’m finally doing it. It has changed my marriage and my relationship with my children. Because I have time for myself in the morning, and I am now living with a new purpose (that I have designed), I have more time and energy to focus on others with real joy and happiness. Even though the book is not solely for religious people, the most important thing of all is that it has strengthened and deepened my relationship with God. I WANT to wake up every morning. I am excited to spend that time by myself and improve upon myself. Now, it is who I am. I think everyone should read this book but most importantly APPLY it to your life!
slhoopes says
This is something I’ve really wanted to work on for a while. Thanks for this review – I hadn’t heard of this book before today!
Darnell Barkman says
Thanks for this review. I’ve been putting off starting it up but its good to hear that your experience has been awesome.