Does a never-ending to-do list nag on your mind? Do you feel guilt, or even agitation, when voices call you away from your tasks? Sometimes it’s in the battle of “The Baseboard Dilemma” we find the parenting truths we are looking for.
Lessons from a Non-Professional
Tiffany Sowby wanted to make a good impression at a meeting at her daughter’s junior high. She made an impression all right…
What Size Is Your Plate?
Ever heard the expressions, “I have a lot on my plate” or “My plate is full right now”? During a recent conversation with a friend, I heard a ground-breaking idea. We all have different size plates!
Are You Distracted or Busy?
At a recent Power of Moms Retreat in California, one of the “issues” that kept coming up was how distracting technology can be. And I wondered, Is technology really “distracting” us anymore than our mothers were “distracted” a generation ago? How much are we distracted and how much are we busy doing things mothers need to do?
Your Children and My Children
I’m not exactly the type of person who would ever desire to run a day care. I shy away from most organized play group-type children’s activities. And I can’t ever imagine myself a school teacher. However, I realized that as mothers, we owe it to each other to love each other’s children.
You: Mother of the Year
When comparing ourselves to other mothers/women, why do we always see ourselves in our “clean the house day” clothes and compare ourselves to their “going to a wedding or church day”outfits?
Clown or Clouds
Do you ever feel pressure to conform to the choices and decisions of others? This family took a simple art project and learned how good intentions and being different can lead to greater confidence, contentment, and understanding in your family.
Tried (But Not Always True) Methods For Developing Patience
Sometimes life really is hard, but we diminish our difficulties by comparing them to somebody else’s. Then berate ourselves for feeling discouraged if we think our difficulties don’t “match up”. The truth is, life is hard for everyone, so we can’t compare the levels of difficulty.
A food processor or a cute coat – neither is necessarily better
It’s hard not to compare and find ourselves and our lives lacking. But if we can accept that just because something is different doesn’t mean it’s better or worse, things get easier. Would you rather have a cute coat or a food processor? It depends…
Nothing Glamorous About It
Last Spring, I spent an evening walking through Georgetown. As I lost myself in the hustle and bustle of a busy city, I daydreamed of a life filled with shopping trips to Barneys. Then in an instant my daydream ended.
“She Did It on Purpose”
Does it happen at your house too? Kids are playing nicely together and before you know it, someone’s Lego creation collapses, or someone’s sandcastle gets knocked down or a ball goes out of bounds and over a fence. Do you hear the same things I hear? “It’s your fault that happened.” “________ did it on […]
Right For Us
Recently, while with a couple of my kids, we saw a mother, father, grandfather and six children walking by us. With large opened eyes, and a slightly louder-than-it-should-be voice, my six-year-old, Ellie, announced, “Wow. That is a lot of people.” I started to tell Ellie it is only one more (child) than our family […]