Exercise allows me to sweat out all the gunk within, to release the angst and turmoil, and to tap into the joy inside me. Suddenly life is exciting again. I have goals and the energy to work towards them.
All in a Week
This week it was easy to see where I fell short, but I can also see how I’ve grown. When my flaws revealed themselves, I showed the strength to get my act back together. What the worst parts of me had damaged, the best parts of me had fixed.
Want to Change Your Life? Go to Bed Earlier!
There is no substitute for a good night’s rest! Going to bed early may just make all the difference in helping you accomplish your daily goals. Check out this article for specific suggestions, so you can make getting to bed on time a priority.
On a Planet Not so Far Away
When you are in the thick of caring for an infant, waking up every two hours day or night, it’s difficult to imagine that life will ever be different. I really thought those first few months were my new normal forever.… I was wrong, yet too tired to know it.
The Sink Is Full, and I Am Not in the Hall of Fame Yet
What I produce on a day-to-day basis barely ever lasts a few hours. But I get to teach, shape, and influence a human being. What I accomplish in raising my daughter is beyond anything I could have ever imagined.
A Mother is a Woman First
There is great value in mothering, but I mustn’t wait for my daughter to be out of the house to take care of me. Before there was a mother, there was a woman.