My experience with bed bugs taught me a profound lesson in compassion and humility. We all have our daily battles. Some are more severe than others, yet each one is valid.
Spiritual Sundays: When Prepartum Depression Meets Spiritual Discipline
I was really scared to get pregnant again. I didn’t want my family to go through another nine months of chaos if I couldn’t successfully manage my depression. I feel blessed to say that I’ve received divine inspiration these past seven months on how to better do this.
Look Back and Laugh
Many parenting situations are not funny at the time. In fact, some are downright horrifying! But the ability to look back and laugh can make all the difference in how we approach new challenges and put difficult times behind us.
Nurturing Mother-To-Mother
I watched curiously as the young mother struggled across the road. She was pushing her baby’s stroller with one hand, hauling a heavy tricycle in her other hand, and carrying a screaming toddler under one of her arms. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I could ease her burden.
Exchanging Papayas for Peaches
When we moved our family from Hawaii to Utah, I did everything I could to emotionally prepare my children. However, during it all, I forgot to prepare myself.
The Lost Toy
Sometimes in the daily routine of being moms, we forget to take a moment for ourselves. Here’s how one mom remembered that in order for her family to thrive, she needed to thrive as well.