Have you found yourself with more free time now that your children are in school? If you’re considering re-entering the workforce, these steps may help you use that time to meet your goals.
Looking for a New Year’s Resolution? Blabber to Babies More
My mother-in-law is the chattiest grandma you have ever met. I’m not really a “baby person” so I don’t naturally start chatting away at them. But I wondered if she was on to something. According to a the most recent issue of the New Yorker, apparently she was.
Taking a Shot on the Goal
I realize the agony and the ecstasy on the soccer field is teaching me some good parenting lessons. My life is a million small shots on goal. Usually, I shank it to the side or I overshoot the goal. Does this mean that I’m wasting my time and energy? Is this all for nothing? I hope not.
What Happens When Your Instincts Are Wrong?
So often we use our instincts to respond to the needs of our children. We go with our gut. But what if our gut is wrong? Amanda Hamilton Roos shares her discovery of what really matters when instincts lead you astray.
3 Reasons I Don’t Pay My Kids an Allowance
Even though current financial gurus advice otherwise, Amanda Hamilton Roos is not paying her children an allowance, at least for now. Why? She believes the lessons they would learn from getting an allowance or being paid to do household chores are more damaging than the potential gains in financial literacy.
Parenting Like A Teacher
Teaching is a huge part of motherhood and a skill many of us want to improve. Who better to learn from than a professional teacher? In this post, Amanda Hamilton Roos shares techniques learned in the classroom that have helped her at home.
Emergency Substitutions
Emergencies strike all around us: we don’t have the special blankie on hand, or–catastrophe!–there is a hole in the tights just before the dance performance begins! Enjoy a good laugh as this delightful article shares some wonderful ideas on how to save the day.
My Home Is A Workshop
In this photo-filled post, Amanda Hamilton Roos transports us from Einstein’s desk to the workshop of our own homes.
Bonding with Girls
Have you ever struggled to bond with your girl whose interests only drift further and further away from your own? Amanda Roos found a way to spend time with her daughter while doing something they both love — reading.
I See Me in Your Eyes
What we think of ourselves and how we view ourselves begins in our families. What am I doing, as the mother, to shape how my children see themselves? It is not only my voice that becomes my child’s inner voice, but mine is the first.
A que te dedicas?
When we think of motherhood as a job, as something we “do,” we begin to limit it. I’m not “doing” things all the time or “creating” children. I’m dedicating myself to creating a family, of which I am a part.
Child’s Pose
Nothing is quite as relaxing as a session of yoga–until you get attacked by preschoolers. Enjoy a laugh as this mother shares her humorous (and all-too-realistic) directions for how to get through it.