Do you ever feel like your family gatherings need some new traditions? Would you like to spark more learning, conversation, laughter, and connection when you get together with the people you love most?
Let me introduce you to FRED talks…
Book Summary: Mothers of the Village
Most of us experience difficult circumstances at one time or another in our lives, and our need for support can be literally like needing air to breathe. But even in good circumstances, we still need others! This book teaches us that needing others is not shameful, but wise.
Book Summary: Wife for Life: The Power to Succeed in Marriage
When I read this book, I was in a pretty good place in my marriage. But it was a really good wake up call to examine my words, my actions and even my thoughts as I try to love and respect my husband the way I truly want to.
Book Summary: Daring Greatly
In Daring Greatly, author Brené Brown goes to the heart of what many of us think, but never talk about—the hidden shame we feel about ourselves in various aspects of our lives and the reluctance to be vulnerable about sensitive topics.
Like A Boss: Why Moms Should Read Like CEOs
Mothers are leaders. We feel the same urgency as CEOs to know what works with human nature—and fast! So my interest immediately perks up when I see a book about leaders bringing their people to success. Here’s a list of some of my favorite incognito “parenting” books: business and professional resources that have had a direct influence on my parenting.
Book Summary: Keep it Real and Grab a Plunger: 25 Tips for Surviving Parenthood
Don’t have time for a long read? This book full of friendly suggestions might be just what you need to survive another day!
Book Summary: Has Hollywood Lost Its Mind?
Chris Hicks has been a movie reviewer for both newspapers and radio for over 30 years. In his book, he explains the history and process of getting a movie rated, as well as the politics and profit strategies at work. He also offers a passionate challenge to both Hollywood and parents to protect childhood by making and viewing movies wisely.
Successful Homeschooling in a Nutshell
If you’ve ever considered homeschooling your children, you’ve probably wondered, “Where do I start?!” Author Jennifer Brimhall shares helpful principles and questions to guide you to success.
Coming-of-Age Celebrations
Our children will one day be full-fledged adults in the real world where self-respect, self-discipline, responsibility, wise decisions, and hard work are required. What can we do now to help them become that way?
Book Summary: The 2 Minute Marriage Project
Children are hugely impacted by their parents’ marriage, good or bad. With that in mind, each chapter of Poelman’s book focuses on a different principle of strong marriages and includes several two-minute challenges that aim to strengthen marriages by making them more meaningful, intimate, fulfilling, and fun.
Book Summary: Parenting with a Story
Author Paul Smith firmly believes that everyone has a story to tell and that children learn best from stories, not lectures. He gathered more than 1,500 personal stories from around the world and selected the very best to create Parenting with a Story, a collection intended to aid parents as they teach their children important values.
Book Summary: Making Grateful Kids
I have to admit, when I first looked at this book, I thought, “What do you need to write a whole book about this for? You just teach your kids to say ‘thank you’.” But after I spent some time with the book, I realized there was a lot more to this gratitude thing.