Here’s the sad truth: my husband and I are horrible about getting out on dates together. I could list off a number of reasons why (we’ve moved a lot over the years, we rarely live by family…), but the real reason is that we haven’t made it a priority. It’s time to change that! I’m so […]
Power of Moms Pick: A Valentine Banner Made from Christmas Cards
Wait! Don’t throw out your Christmas cards. Check out this great, step-by-step post for making a super simple craft to turn those Christmas cards into a sweet Valentine’s Day banner. Then you can decorate your home for Valentine’s Day with photos of dear family and friends.
Power of Moms Pick: Halloween Movie List
Now that it’s cooler, the idea of snuggling up and watching a movie sounds like a great way to spend an evening. But finding good, family-friendly Halloween movies can be a real challenge. Thankfully, our friend Jennifer Brimhall over at Raise the Good has made a list for us.