Hidden inside the simple lines of her son’s stick figure portrait were valuable lessons for one mom on what it means to be perfect.
What is Your Problem?
Do you ever feel overwhelmed with the messy house, loads of laundry, and disobedient or defiant children? Do you ever feel worn-out and empty? Do your children ever seem to be the source of your problems? Author Karin Brown shares how she learned to identify the real problems.
If I Had Four More Arms and One More Brain
“If I had four more arms and one more brain, I might be able to help you.” This phrase is uttered a lot around my house lately. With five children demanding my attention and help throughout the day, the playing field is very lopsided. I often feel like there is just not enough of me […]
Make Summer Learning Fun!
Although my children may have left traditional “reading, writing and arithmetic” behind them at the school door, there are plenty of ways to have fun and still engage their brains during the summer.
Revival Recital
Throughout my life, I worked hard to develop my talents in dancing, singing, and theater. After I became a mom, however, my hours of practicing were replaced with laundry, nursing, kindergarten, and driving my children to their own lessons. How could I rediscover my talents—and myself in the process?
Spiritual Sundays: Bedtime Prayers
Raising boys is not my forte. Many nights I lay in bed, looking at the ceiling, confiding to my husband that I have no idea what I’m doing
…until I pray with Parker.
Tying Knots with a “Problem Child”
Do you ever have a day when the best laid intentions are thwarted? Take a journey with author Karin Brown in her essay, Tying Knots, as she teaches us how “knot” to get “tied up” in the situation, strengthen relationships and look at the bigger picture.
Catching Children in Quiet Moments
I love catching my children in quiet moments, showing affection for one another. It’s a moment I will never forget, and I hope they will remember as well.
Blooming Goals
Here are 2 secrets that have helped me make and keep resolutions and goals. First, I focus on making goals that have an end. My second secret is a fun little program on The Power of Moms website called the “Bloom Game.” If you haven’t tried it yet, give it a try!
The breakfast cast-off’s and dishes are piled by the kitchen sink so everything is touching but, nothing is actually stacked. It is an elaborate display left in the wake of kids rushing like a cresting wave out the front door for the last day of school.
Living The Dream
It had been a long hard few weeks and I was done. I’d had it. I found myself wondering, “Will someone remind me why I wanted to do this?” Then I realized, I have always wanted to be a mom and that’s what I wanted to be when I grew up.
Fun in the Workplace
It can be a challenge to give equal focus to the “job” of being a mother and having fun being a mother. The balance is particularly challenging when work and fun occupy the same office space. The trick for me is to make that mental shift from work to fun while remaining in the workplace of the home.