Do you ever feel like you’re just spinning your wheels and never getting anything done? Read one mom’s account of how she gets things done while also teaching her children responsibility.
Christmas Waffles
Holiday traditions are a wonderful way to create lasting memories in our families. Enjoy a peek into one family’s Christmas tradition and one mother’s observations of her efforts coming full circle.
The Day I Compared Myself to Myself
Why am I trying to be like other people when I am me? I am the person my husband and children need. I have talents, abilities, and goals that make me unique and special, just as you do. To compare myself to others lessens my value.
Spiritual Sundays: He Has Carried Me
Alone in a quiet hospital, holding her new baby, Heather Bell reminds us that God is with us, always.
Picture Story: Dandelions
In viewing myself as a dandelion, I was able to understand my own position as a mother and the choices that I am able to make.