What do teenagers really need in order to grow up to be responsible and happy adults? This book offers excellent food for thought.
What NOT to Regret
After I had three children, I needed to do some soul-searching. Out of necessity, I had grown a hobby into a business. I was still at home all week, but I would fit “work” into times when my husband was home. It was a lucrative business, and it seemed like my dream job until…
Love, The Hard Way
After 15 years as a mother, the reasons why I think it’s so important to be there for my kids are not what you would think. The real reasons are the hard stuff. The “no fun” stuff. I want to be the one that takes care of all those things. Because I know that my husband and I love these kids more than anyone else on earth.
Short Shorts and Mothering Teens
EDITOR’S NOTE: We are trying to keep our posts at The Power of Moms quite short (we know you’re busy!), but because we feel that this guest post from Sarah at Clover Lane offers great perspectives about raising teens, we decided to publish a longer version than is typical of what you’ll find on our site. Obviously, each […]
A Conscious Pace
One little Daisy Scout meeting a week…no problem, right? Wrong! Read how one mother discovered and accepted the pace she needed to set for her family.
Flipping the Switch
So many of today’s complaints are really SO trivial. It’s hard to not get sucked in by it all. And the busy-ness of being a mother sometimes means that days fly by with me never thinking of all the things I take for granted.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race
I’m writing this at my kitchen table on a beautiful, perfect, peaceful, glorious day. After getting the kids smoothly off to school, I checked my emails, took a stroller walk with my toddler to get some exercise, and stopped at the library to play trains and pick up books. I know what we are having for dinner tonight. I […]
Lost and Found: On Becoming A Mother
I have read more than enough articles in parenting magazines that have dealt with the topic of women feeling like they “lost their identity” when they became mothers. I’ve also overheard mothers say, “I feel like I lost a part of myself after motherhood” or “I just don’t know who I am, or remember who […]
Life’s Plain, Common Work
Life’s Plain, Common Work The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life’s plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and […]