Power of Moms is taking a sabbatical! After 13 years of creating and sharing content from deliberate mothers worldwide, we are stepping back to celebrate and assess our role in the future of deliberate mothers through our work at Power of Moms. Thank you for all of your support, your wisdom, and the effort you put […]
How to Renegotiate with Yourself
Do you ever make long, complicated lists and expect yourself to accomplish EVERYTHING? I learned (the hard way) that it’s much better to learn the art of renegotiation.
To Moms with Brave Faces
More often than not, the people around us, those we love and those we don’t love yet, are wearing brave faces. It’s likely that you’re doing the same in at least one aspect of your life right now.
Would Your Child Stare At A Screen All Day If You Let Them?
One exhausting morning, I set my four-year-old, at the computer with a couple of CD-Roms, and I dozed on the couch next to him. Three hours later, I woke up and saw Ethan happily twisting in the “spinny chair,” his eyes just glued to the screen.
Creating A Summer Schedule
Today is the first day of summer for my family. School is out, the weather is great, and we are excited…so why did I end up in such a grumpy mood this morning?
Motherhood Defies Logic
There are plenty of logical reasons why motherhood should be synonymous with “insanity.” But one secret I’ve learned over the years is that the beautiful, magnificent privilege of motherhood simply defies logic.
Seven Ways to Keep the Love Alive in Your Marriage
Creating a marriage that leaves you feeling twitterpated at the end of each day doesn’t happen automatically–especially when you have children, but here are seven ideas that have helped me to savor the opportunity I have to live with my Prince Charming!
It’s Time to Be What We Believe [Season 3, Episode 9]
I recently got out of a rut. I’d been feeling tired, frustrated, and ready to “give up” in some ways. (Have you been there?) Here are three questions that helped. We each have a unique mission, and it’s time to BE who we are.
Six Ideas for Deliberate Gift-Giving
If you’d like to do MORE with LESS this year, you’ll appreciate these simple suggestions from our Power of Moms Community.
Tried and True Holiday Planning Tips [Season 3 Episode 7]
Do you want to feel more peace and joy this season? For me, that happens when the logistics are under control and my mind can rest. Come join us today for some new ideas that will help!
Three Videos to Jumpstart Your Student’s Organizational Journey :)
As school gets back in session, we’ve prepared three videos to help your child see that organizing can be fun and easy!
Bonus Podcast: How to Organize School Papers – with Alia and April
The new school year is just around the corner, and if you already cringing at the thought of your countertops overrun with projects and papers, today’s podcast is here to help!
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