Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are serious holidays, full of soul searching and repentance. In trying to help her kids understand that repentance doesn’t have to be scary, Adina Soclof practices a simple three-step plan, one that eliminates lectures or admonishments.
Shavuot and Mother’s Day: Three Ways To Be a Great Mom
When Shavuot came right after Mother’s Day, it got Adina Socolf thinking about how principles of her faith help her become a better parent. In this essay, she shares three teachings that any mothers can take to heart.
Getting Kids To Listen
Are you having trouble getting your kids to listen? Adina Socolf knows you can’t make children listen…but you can help them learn.
Passover Prep…with Kids
As part of the preparation for Passover, most Jewish families do a thorough cleaning of their homes. Even if you don’t celebrate Passover, you won’t want to miss author Adina Soclof’s five tips for encouraging children to help around the house and prepare for holiday festivities.
Spiritual Sundays: Looking for the Good
Jewish tradition has always reinforced this concept that G-d is good, his ways are good, and his creations are good. It seems that we are supposed to constantly remind ourselves of this as a basic principle of Judaism. Can we apply this concept of looking for the good when we parent?
Saying Little, Doing Much
Lecturing and moralizing (i.e. talking a lot) does not help our kids improve their behavior. A short statement of our beliefs and then silence can do all the teaching we need. We can even use just one word to help us get our point across.
Is Your Child Struggling with School? 7 Simple Ways You Can Help
Is your child struggling in school? Education expert Adina Soclof has 7 simple methods to help you help your child get on track.