Technology for good or for bad is here to stay. It isn’t a question about technology being a huge part of our lives, but it is worth the time to consider how we will let technology impact our decisions, and our mothering. Deliberate mothers make intentional choices especially about how to use the tools we have available to us. Here are three moms perspectives on how technology has impacted them and their families, and what they are choosing to do about it.
Show Notes:
Read by Ann Graham. Edited by Christy Elder.
Photo by William Iven on Unsplash
[…] Second, I’ve been recording the audio versions of posts on The Power of Moms website. Recently, we did a podcast including three posts written by moms, on their experiences with technology and social media. I appreciate their insights and perspectives as I search for my own “sweet spot” in using this technology. If you’d like to tune in, you can listen to the podcast HERE. […]